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Last Active
  • Critique my plan

    3...2...1...Do it!
    MattM_WareElaine KBen_jamminespej09twig05HSeeley14
  • Friday Boozing Open Thoughts Thread

    So I went to a crop insurance meeting this morning.
    I really want to come up with a stupid joke for this. But I think 'crop insurance meeting' does it all by itself...

  • 35 Years of Ironman Stats: Bike Aerodynamics | TRS Triathlon

    What about those doo-hickeys behind the saddle of the TdF riders? Didn't those transmit data like power, speed, cadence, etc? The TV feed got those numbers. Would be cool if Ironman would do something like that for Kona so we could power numbers for the front riders, how much one of them increases power to pass, difference between uberbikers and others, among other neat bits of info. Not sure where the doo-hickeys would go considering the fueling choices/options of tri bikes, but I'm sure there's a simple solution out there.
    TheoAaron WebsteyyournotuniquePreachSwansonDavid Putterman
  • Family and racing

    Good discussion to start, @ PreachSwanson

    My dad is the one that thinks I'm crazy. Since I don't see him that often, every time I see him, its a constant nag about my weight. I used to lift a ton so now that I focus on endurance, I've gotten smaller. He thinks too small and tells me to slow down, don't lose too much weight, you're too skinny, etc.

    I've got a 20 month old son and my wife is pregnant with a boy (also, see comment above about weight; this does not go over well in my house currently). Weekend training is usually done while he's sleeping and my wife vegges out to shit TV. I'm not sure what I'm going to do come October though. I guess I need to buy a running stroller to drag them along. Maybe a trailer for easy rides, but since I've been hit already, not sure I want them with me...I'm interested in others' answers here because I don't have one. We're super active on the weekends, too, hiking, getting into the mountains, leaving town so I'm time limited on weekends. Since my ass can't get up to train early, it's hard.

    My wife claims to like coming to races. I'm not so sure. My son loves that shit because he runs around and rings the cowbells like a mad man with a huge grin on his face. It's fuckin' adorable.

    I have to justify spending money on triathlon: how much did that wetsuit cost? Did you NEED it or just WANT it? The bike costs how much?! Race fees, another pair of running shoes, and on and on. Since I don't really spend money on anything else, she's generally okay with it but sometimes...
    Aaron WebsteyBrent_RmorganstyeryournotuniqueHSeeley14
  • A couple questions for the long tenured runners

    @AaronWebstey Thou shall not covet thy internet-message-board-friend's trundle wheel. @PreachSwanson will back me up on that one.
    _MurManAaron WebsteyPreachSwansonTheoyournotunique
  • Getting Tim Reed on TRS Radio?

    Drunkin' Luckin should be a regular feature.
    HSeeley14James LangeADRBillyoldmanchadBasementbiker
  • Triathlon Accessories

    I am reluctant to mention that I knew a guy who actually locked his bike in transition. Irony was the bike was probably worth less than the lock.
    The only reason you would be reluctant is because you were that guy.

    _MurManRyan HeisleroldmanchadAaron WebsteyMark_after_Dark
  • Banned from Slowtwitch

    @yournotunique A throaty, slobbery blowjob would solve most of the issues that you seem to have.
    To be fair, though, this solves all male problems.

    yournotuniqueAaron WebsteyKMRyanTriJames LangeDHansenTri
  • Heavy/Death/Grind/Black/Weird Metal

    A few comments following long absence...
    1. Echoing @GentlemanJerseyDave: Love that this thread is still kicking.
    1. @Matt - I adore Meshuggah (the last album notwithstanding). That Bleed/Allstar what have you may be the worst (best?) thing I've ever heard. Absolutely hilarious.
    2. Just saw Power Trip through Portland. Buddy of mine was Riley's HS teacher. Hung out and drank with him post-show. Interesting dude and really really good show.
    3. Khemmis. Doom. You're welcome.

    MattGentlemanJerseyDaveAaron WebsteyGranpa Chook
  • Indoor bike storage options


    It's expensive, yes, but no sexier way of storing your bike. Used to have it in our old condo; the buyers demanded that we leave it. It's awesome and highly recommended.
    M_WareAaron WebsteyPreachSwansonGranpa Chook

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