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Aaron Webstey


Aaron Webstey
Last Active
Administrator, Rooster Endurance Member, Rooster Endurance Officers
  • Best Zwift Setup?

    To be honest, that title never really described me very well. I go here and to @mfougere when I need to know anything about bike/tri tech, I have no idea what the coolest new Dell or MacBook is called, and I haven't even built a computer in almost 20 years. I enjoy web dev, and currently love coding scientific algorithms and real time data stream handlers in C on Linux. I can tell you how much RAM and SSD space is on our computers but that's about it.

    So really, it might be most appropriate to call me something like "Canadian Unaware of New Technology". All hail your new #CUNT.
    MattJames LangeTad_M
  • Best Zwift Setup?

    You can just use an android or ios tablet/phone and mirror/cast/send to a TV. Could be as simple as free if you have an ios device (since you can cast to your current appleTV) or from android to chromecaast/amazon stick/smart TV. The benefit with using something portable (especially if you're either cheap or simply don't want to trash the environment with more stuff in the world) you can take it with you to the gym and use the treadmill or zwift running if you don't have equipment in home.
    Huh, I forgot I have an old Chromecast sitting around that I could cast my Android phone to. Free it is! Thanks!
  • Rooster Endurance 2020

  • Bold Kona Predictions

    Bold Kona prediction: @bbculp does not find a ride from the airport and has to take a cab for the first time in his 25 years of covering Kona.
    bbculpMattJames Lange
  • Cam Wurf is going to win Kona

    I said you were a nerd. I did not call you smart.
    Hey Brad the 80s called and they want their definition of "nerd" back
  • A hero's welcome

    Welcome to new user and internet phenom, @devonpalmer . Reason for joining?

    "To be with my friend Mel, to ridicule my enemy brad, to support my little brother aaron".
    M_WareMattdevonpalmerJames LangeGasBombCraig_DTad_Midking90kjrunnin
  • Arctic Webstey

    I shared a bunkhouse with 3 other science dudes and a professional photographer. Use your own imagination on what kind of pounding went down!
    You aren't a scientist, you are a computer nerd.

    I said science dudes, not scientists! If you want to get #EAD-y about it, it was one scientist and 2 engineers. :)
    James Lange
  • Arctic Webstey

    @GasBomb thanks! It was a super great experience but hard to be gone so long. Saw a waterfall blown back uphill, had to shit in a plastic bag, the classic Arctic experience.

    @Matt THEY ARE 2/3 PANTS!!

    @James Lange yep. Dorian only gave us a light rodgering but we lost power and all phone service (including cell) for a couple days.

    @bbculp my neighbour was in the Chicago aka the "arsehole of America" (his words) all month "tending to some bald cuck sports writer". On the bright side, he did call you a writer.

    @wchevron I shared a bunkhouse with 3 other science dudes and a professional photographer. Use your own imagination on what kind of pounding went down!
  • Birdwatching?

    That photo makes me want to give you the Canada Goose.

  • I'm now a golfer

    I'm impressed you know the word Maritimer. But you and @ImmerC should feel shame. I won't insult you by providing further hints.
    I can think of no better example of Type A then grammar shaming
    LoL - I am far from "type A". Unless the A is for Asshole, in which case you are bang on.

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