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Ironman crack down on YouTube videos

So Sunday night I made a new playlist of Kona vids (the hour long ones) on YouTube to keep me entertained on the trainer. Got on the bike this morning and almost the whole list of vids ('89-2014) has been removed due to a copyright claim by Ironman! WTF?! What are they going to do with them? It's some of the best inspiration they can give people to hand over their race entry cash. They'll probably ask us to pay to view them...

So, if you can find any, download quick!


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    Same thing happened last year around this time. I was able to find the German broadcasts of the 2014 championship last year, so they may be out there for this year.
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    WTC already has amazing race coverage, why would you need YouTube Videos when they already have such an amazing system in place?

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    yournotuniqueGasBombslickfins_RyanBrent_RJames LangeHSeeley14oldmanchadTad_M

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    @_Black_Fred – you can't re-watch Ironman's coverage as far as I know. Those YouTube videos – many looked like they were captures from VHS – were a great motivator on the trainer as well as being a great way to learn about the history of the sport.

    Not talking about the live coverage, which is indeed, great :-)
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    PreachSwansonPreachSwanson Member, Rooster Endurance Member, Rooster Endurance Officers
    @TriHarderT I know that they just re-released their multi year package of Video's on DVD. I am guessing that they swept through YouTube and Vimeo to make sure they were milking everyone for everything they can get.
    TRS Racing
    I'm an angel with an incredible capacity for beer
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    Aaron WebsteyAaron Webstey Administrator, Rooster Endurance Member, Rooster Endurance Officers
    Not an expert, but seems like pretty normal IP protection to me - especially if it's a copyrighted, sellable product.
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    @AaronWebstey Yeah, I guess so. It's a pity though. Had to listen to TRS this morning instead ;-)
    Aaron Webstey
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    Not an expert, but seems like pretty normal IP protection to me - especially if it's a copyrighted, sellable product.

    The only problem is that they don't sell the dvd's prior to 2004, so it was footage you couldn't really get anywhere else. The Peter Reid/Tim Deboom battles were great, it's a shame nobody will ever see them.

    Aaron Webstey

    You can't brag about an aquabike

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    trsradio69trsradio69 Member, Rooster Endurance Officers

    So Sunday night I made a new playlist of Kona vids (the hour long ones) on YouTube to keep me entertained on the trainer. Got on the bike this morning and almost the whole list of vids ('89-2014) has been removed due to a copyright claim by Ironman! WTF?! What are they going to do with them? It's some of the best inspiration they can give people to hand over their race entry cash. They'll probably ask us to pay to view them...

    So, if you can find any, download quick!

    This is the most idiotic complaint I've ever read. They own their broadcasts. Any asshole who put it on youtube is a thief - similar to the miserable bastards who steal music, but worse.

    Steal my IP and I'll do the exact same thing only faster.

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    @TheRealStarky Yeah, it's a bit idiotic, I'll give you that, but @aerobean's point is a good one. Hopefully it means they're going to release nice clean versions of the races back to at least 89. It'd be a pity if the Ironwar race, or any really, got lost.

    If they do release them, and they're available internationally, I'd probably buy them anyway. But for now, they're not.
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    trsradio69trsradio69 Member, Rooster Endurance Officers
    edited October 2015
    I fully anticipated that you would double down on your initial complaint and call me a fascist asshole. Now I don't know what to do.
    aerobeanPreachSwansonneil5youngJames LangeHSeeley14Aaron Webstey
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    @TheRealStarky Nah, I'm not a fan of piracy. If it's available, I'll get it. I just want it to be available. You're talking to a guy who actually bought DVDs of all Lance's Tour wins. Can't remember where those are now.

    Plus I generally relent in the face of fascist assholes.
    trsradio69Adam WIan Graham
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    Aaron WebsteyAaron Webstey Administrator, Rooster Endurance Member, Rooster Endurance Officers
    @TriHarderT are you Canadian or something?

    @TheRealStarky you're a fatcist asshole. Not a typo
    neil5youngAdam WJames LangeHSeeley14Scheck48kjrunnin
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    @AaronWebstey – Worse: British. Decorum doesn't permit confrontation, just a polite exterior and a bubbling under of rage that will surely one day explode, or, you know, not. I'm guessing not (decorum wouldn't permit it).
    PreachSwansonAdam WHSeeley14Scheck48Aaron Webstey
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    Adam WAdam W Member
    edited October 2015
    As a southerner (USA) I am having a hard time understanding how this has managed to resolve itself with out some rights or religious freedoms having been claimed trampled upon. I guess Canada is a much more cordial place. Also, as a software engineer it took me way too long to realize IP was Intellectual Property not Internet Protocol. Trying to figure out why Starky was so upset about his IP Address being stolen

    I do wish there was better past coverage available to watch on the trainer/dreadmill. I'd pay for it if it were there.
    Ian GrahamScheck48Aaron WebsteyTriHarderT

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