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  • 35 Years of Ironman Statistics Part VII: Putting It All Together (Men) | TRS Triathlon

    No, no, no! Of course there's a high R squared between bike times and overall times - BECAUSE bike times are PART of overall times. These aren't independent variables. Your problem here is that the data doesn't fit a Straight LINE (y=mx+b) - as you eloquently described in the first few examples. But it's quite possible that the large decreases in the beginning and leveling off fit some sort of exponential decay curve - remember quadratic equations? But statistically speaking, looking at the correlation between EITHER the bike or the run versus the overall time is laughable. What's much more interesting is looking at those who bike too fast and blow up versus those who bike slower and run better - which you do at the end but that analysis is not new - and when you throw in the top ten men you have folks who realized they're not going to win and pull up just to get across the line - much more interesting, perhaps to look at the winners (only) or to look at everybody.
  • Pro Triathlete Led Early Moments of Boston Marathon | TRS Triathlon

    @TheRealStarky done - and only took me a quarter...changed on Twitter too. Probably a better handle anyway.
    Aaron Webstey
  • DC Rainmaker Podcast drinking game

    how about a long swig every time there's a reference to Ben's lack of training - I'd say that applies to the TRS Radio drinking game as well
    Aaron Webstey
  • Pro Triathlete Led Early Moments of Boston Marathon | TRS Triathlon

    Completely agree regarding finishing the race & importance to whether this is cool or fool. This is clearly better than the 'rabbits' who pace the race with the intent of never finishing, isn't it?
    I bet that running 5k in 27+mins probably didn't feel all that great for a runner of his caliber. Amazing to put in a good portion of the race at 8min/mile plus and still finish in 3:05
  • Do pros matter?

    I agree that Kona coverage is boring. I'm sick of the stories - and know enough real life triathletes to have a couple of those (sob stories, stories of major redemption) who I actually know. Maybe, just maybe, triathlon is just better to do than it is to watch - now that's blasphemy especially here - but maybe it's true.

    Also, until WTC or even Challenge goes back to allowing the horizontal spacing (see old Kona bike's with the guys spread out all over the road) or even some kind of agreed to drafting (limited or otherwise) - you're not going to see enough pros come off the bike together on long course. That's what makes ITU interesting, beyond the distances being shorter. It's even more strategic. I keep reading that the men's bike is so congested that it's basically a hammerfest of acceleration/deceleration to avoid a drafting penalty - thus the advantage of getting out by yourself if you can (in Kona).

    Heck, maybe I don't know anything - but what sporting event takes a minimum of 8 hours to watch that folks are actually interested in? Even the long stages of the Tour are 5 or maybe 6 and even in Europe they start proper TV coverage 2 hours in. I know @AaronWebstey mentioned Golf - that's a parallel, but it's NOT an endurance sport. There's tons of strategy and the coverage jumps around so you get to see ALL the strategy taking place even better than if you were watching it live.

    And while it's true that Triathlon is WAY more interesting to watch on TV than in person, I'm just not sure it will ever be something that non Triathletes want to watch. But TV/Internet/Entertainment is so fragmented now that maybe it doesn't matter - and what you're talking about that I missed is how hard core triathletes should be able to watch/enjoy triathlon. For the masses it's just 'those guys and gals are crazy' and move on. As someone said on the site recently (or maybe it was in an interview) even being an Ironman (full, I'm not) isn't that impressive to the lay person - so folks do multiples.

    And a final thought - the coolest part of the sport for me is like Marathoning - being on the course, albeit much further behind, on the exact same day as the pros. And, taken to the extreme, this probably won't happen anymore if triathlon becomes a major TV sport - can you imagine if some AG crashed into the equivalent of LeBron James? Great TV but horrible for the sport...
    Aaron Webstey
  • Angry Rant on Podcasting followup

    @AaronWebstey is monetizing his efforts based on @TheRealStarky angry rank - now that's capitalism in action...
    Aaron Websteyoldmanchad
  • Angry Rant on Podcasting followup

    @TheRealStarky when I saw the article about an email from a listener, I panicked...I thought you were taking a dig at me.

    I didn't put it as articulately as @PreachSwanson but the email of mine that you read on the air made the same points - what's the mission? What do you want to accomplish? My take is that you've probably already accomplished what you sought to when you started out the Twitter account - to point out the stupidity and hypocrisy of triathlon's powers that be and to build a platform to shine light on your views of how things should be.

    that was my point about the hilariously brutal persona of Twitter versus the more accessible version on the podcasts.

    I'm with @AaronWebstey - and part of it is that I really like the interplay between TRS and @Dark_Mark - I like the Podcasts far more than anything else. Though the forum is growing on me very quickly. But the website is really good. And it's weeks old.

    Do whatever you want - quit. Carry on. Pull back for a while. Whatever. I'm a supporter - I've been and will continue to be. One thought is to have the podcast be SEASONAL - and even better if it's very active in the OFF-SEASON and maybe even monthly or bi-weekly during the high part of the season (may through september). You can throw some bones to Patreons if you want. But you've got to carve back some work/life/TRS fake-life balance and you've got a three legged stool.

    I'm not good at monetizing. But I'm good at Pricing. So let's talk Pricing if you want. But first do what Preach says and get your hierarchy right - then we as a community can pull together to help you accomplish your goals. You might even publish it privately among the TRS Racing team (and please some helpful Patreons like me) to both keep you held to it but as a semi-public proclamation of what you're doing.

    yes a lot going on - reminds me of why my job is so complicated at the moment. And reminds me that I need a bit of soul searching and prioritizing so that I can create something at work that's greater than just putting out flames/fires all the time.

    We can't define why you do this (and how often) but you can. Like I said, I'm supportive because TRS Radio is one of my absolute favorite entertainment sources at the moment. And I fundamentally believe that you have to pay for the creative. Until you've figured out that primary central piece you're going to be putting out those fires...100% reactive

    getting pissed is great - it means you care. And in this case it means that something's not quite right. You'll get there. and we'll be here to help when you do.
    Aaron Websteyyournotunique
  • Chamois Cream

    Gotta consider the A$$O$ Chamois Cream
    like Rapha I can't afford anything else that A$$O$ makes but this stuff does the trick.
    Back to @HSeeley14 it's got a bit of the tingle in there. works like a charm. even better if you put a heaping handful on BOTH your bits and the actual Chamois, but I guess that goes without saying.

    got to love any discussion of the taint. esp with this group
    ADRBillyAaron Webstey
  • TBI And TriSports: Rewarding Bad Business

    An awesome article - thanks @TimOLeary - I'd read the forum and agreed with TRS about it becoming a good article. But I really didn't understand all of your points in the forum format but really 'got it' in the article. (plus being from San Diego I liked the SD references...)

    I thought you deserved appreciation like @james_lange got for his brilliant D,E, F article. But mostly I wanted to provide a forum (ha!) for @Scheck48 to unleash another cracker like the comment on James' DEF article. All funny stuff!

    As a business person I was surprised that @TheRealStarky went so easy on Mr. Claggett especially after making some outrageous comments about TBI and the award before hand. Understandable though.

    if we continue to see articles of this quality on TRSTriathlon it will very soon become a hit. Congrats @TimOLeary you are currently one of the best 500 journo/opinion writers in triathlon today. How does it feel?
  • Dark Mark's Questions for TRS - and Slaps for Charity

    for the record @TheRealStarky @Dark_Mark that's a glitch in the forum software that makes it impossible to select Yes above. I find it pretty funny but it's not by design. And yes I made @AaronWebstey aware of the glitch via email.
    Ryan Heisler

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