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Last Active
  • The Return Of Wildflower!

    The Beer Mile was probably the best event for a spectator all weekend. Mainly because it and the nude run went right in front of my camping area.

    It was very cool to meet you in person @KenElPescadoPelado and @Kelly O'Mara The sunburn I have after my leisurely four and a half hour jaunt on the Olympic course is less cool but I'm happy with it.
    Tad_MKenElPescadoPeladoM_WareNotSoFatLewAaron WebsteyCraig_DJennifer PostkjrunninMattKelly O'Mara
  • The Return Of Wildflower!

    I'll be there, racing Sunday, watching pros and trying not to get heat stroke on Saturday.
    Tad_MKenElPescadoPeladoMartinAaron WebsteyCraig_Dkjrunnin
  • Gwen running at Stanford

    Well it was super exciting! I thought I would be bored watching a 10k but it was actually really good, even with a jumpy five year old.

    Gwen went 31:55. It seemed close until the last 200 but she was just being tactical. She shifted gear and left Dimoff with no trouble.

    My kid took this amazing pic, so I clearly get to retire as family photographer

    MattTad_MKenElPescadoPeladoAaron WebsteyEvan
  • Barkley marathons....

    One thing about those pictures that I really like, is how many of the runner with modest goals achieved them. The people who were all "I'mma probably do one loop." and they do it. I love realistic expectations.
    KenElPescadoPeladoAaron Websteyrangamel
  • 2018 ITU WTS

    Super excited to see Stanford and Holland racing. I'm pulling for Katie though.
    M_WareJennifer Post
  • I want to help you feel better about yourself

    Thanks @fyrehaar . I'm going for a run now instead of sitting around eating bacon in my mom's kitchen.
    Hey Webstey, don't get carried away. We all know Bacon is good for you and not the problem!
    Bacon is the answer!

    The question is, how I gained ten pounds in two months eating my feelings.
  • I want to help you feel better about yourself

    I just set a new, standalone 5k PR

    It's 37:17.

    You're doing just fine.
    EvilTwinkjrunninccochraneTad_MAaron Websteysimonsen77MattDerekLrangamelHSeeley14MamaCheetah
  • Schoeman

    They ruled the action was legal at the time, they are not going to retroactively change the assistance rule if it turns out Schoeman was doping.
    RashJennifer PostTad_MAaron Webstey
  • Triathlon Videos

    IF you get the triathlon live access you can get the full ITU WTS races, mens and womens and mixed relays back for a few years. It's about $25 a year I think?
    MattJames LangeJennifer PostSdogMamaCheetah
  • 2018 Goals and Challenges

    Good info. Napa is a stretch but a bunch of us have been thinking about a mini road trip. My first swim session is tomorrow so I'm looking forward to finally understanding exactly how shit my stroke is.

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