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Starting immediately, all new users must be approved by a moderator (due to spam issues). #sworry
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Last Active
Member, Rooster Endurance Member, Level 2 Supporter, POTM
  • Feb challenge anyone?

    Perfect Sunday Indoor Sprint!

    wchevronCraig_DAaron WebsteyJames LangeStruang
  • Sworry Trials 2023 - July 18th onward

    @kjrunnin , if you read the guide, it’s only two bike laps, not the normal three on the 7th loop in order to meet the full Ironman.
    I’ll do the math:
    7th loop - full swim, 33.3% of loop value; , 2 of 3 bike laps 2/3*33.3%=22.2% of loop value; full run, 33.3% of loop value. Hmmmmm. 6.888 loops = Impossibleman.
    But we round up!
    6.9 loops.

    Very cool. Didn’t event plan this. @P_Cottrell how bout that!

    kjrunninAaron WebsteyCraig_DKHilgendorf
  • Snacks Thread

    MattM_WareAaron WebsteyJames Lange
  • To Honour Mark_after_Dark

    We really need to get this thread back active. If you were a golfer, is the ultimate achievement shooting a fantastic score at the Master's? I might retire after this.

    Aaron WebsteyMattMartinBrew_Tri
  • Let's See Your Critters

    Happy 12th birthday Max. You're the best dog ever! Now, evidence of your perfection! (Left, Ruby on the right)

    kjrunninM_WareMattKenElPescadoPeladoAaron Webstey
  • February Challenge

    @James Lange said:
    I was doing great (8hrs in 9 days), but on Tuesday I tweaked a muscle in my calf 14km into a run and had to run/walk 4km home. I've been pounding it with the percussion massager and it's feeling better, but it's always hard to know whether to start back even if it's still a little tender, or sacrifice a whole week till it's 100%.

    Try the leg too...

    kjrunninAaron WebsteywchevronMartinMattKHilgendorfCraig_D
  • Report Problems Here

    please freeze the boozing thoughts page before its too late. we can start another

    Aaron WebsteyMatt
  • Almost Famous

    @Aaron Webstey said:
    If I posted this on Twitter @bbculp would accuse me of being high

    And totally be wrong. 100%. For realz

    Not sure what this means, but shouldn't we be prodding @bbculp to not only attend the Sworry Trials dingbatness, but also run the Ode to Laz. Free entry @bbculp , use the DOUBLE TOP SECRET code BBCULP at checkout for a 100% discount. (Oh, and bring a friend for psychological support - code works twice)

    M_WareAaron Webstey
  • January Challenge

    @wchevron said:

    @Tad_M said:
    Are we counting strength training too or only aerobic stuff? Either way @kjrunnin kicks all out asses, however, I need the strength training to count... pretty please.

    I say we count strength training.

    What about sex? It's not going to add too much time to my monthly total but might be the 15 minutes I need to make the January goal.

    Mines on the pie chart, you just can't see a sliver, or even a line...

    wchevronAaron Webstey
  • Report Problems Here

    @Aaron Webstey said:
    I'll have to see if I can figure these issues out. Thanks for the reports!

    Thanks for the fast fix (I guess you had her phone number on file...)

    Aaron Websteywchevron

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