Starting immediately, all new users must be approved by a moderator (due to spam issues). #sworry
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If you are a pro triathlete, please click here to DM AaronWebstey for access to the 'Pros-only' private forum. Don't forget to include your real name, and a link to pro race result would be great if you're a 1st-year pro.
What @AaronWebstey said +1. Few people have that natural gift.
However I do believe Ben Greenfield is a must on the interview list, not to mention the Rooster Squad. @gregk , I think you should convince Ben G to join the squad.
Well well well @AaronWebstey , could this be the first accusation of pic doping? Should @Matt be called in as a special counsel? It won't matter, because after lunch today, I'm going to blow you all way with my next post....
Phil Gaimon is awesome and writes great books and articles. This was almost a grand slam Triroost hall of fame tweet. So close..... how can such an accomplished writer not know how to spell "Sworry"
Phil Gaimon (@philgaimon) tweeted at 4:11 PM on Sat, Jun 16, 2018: Off brand for me to eat a donut but I’m in Canada sorry (