Starting immediately, all new users must be approved by a moderator (due to spam issues). #sworry
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If you are a pro triathlete, please click here to DM AaronWebstey for access to the 'Pros-only' private forum. Don't forget to include your real name, and a link to pro race result would be great if you're a 1st-year pro.
WTF. A week before travel. I’ll paraphrase. “I know you are flying to a landlocked region and you have very few options other than us but we can’t stress enough that you can’t rely on us”
I've been battling what is either tendonitis or a stress fracture for ~6 weeks and my IM is 27 days away. It is now looking like an unofficial aquabike (reframed because that sounds better than a DNF). I didn't need another hat & finisher's shirt anyway.
I don't run anymore (note to self, change triroost name) but before I packed it in, I opted for a single bottle in a handheld sleeve on the road (or trail runs under 90 minutes or so), vests on the trails.
Annual Canada Day Swim... I swam a personal worst for the 2K - losing some time trying to find the mythical 6th orange buoy that was on the course map but not actually out on the lake. I thoroughly enjoyed myself though and never expect much from a swim, so... yay for coming 4/7 in my AG. I know someone has to be last but I'm glad it wasn't me today!