Starting immediately, all new users must be approved by a moderator (due to spam issues). #sworry
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If you are a pro triathlete, please click here to DM AaronWebstey for access to the 'Pros-only' private forum. Don't forget to include your real name, and a link to pro race result would be great if you're a 1st-year pro.
I'm missing @Martin 's recaps this year.
How about Cavendish today? I had Jasper for the win but wouldn't have been too disappointed to see him come second to Cav.
My Andrew?
Nope. He only took it up a few years after I did (my first tri was in 2013), and then he dropped it after I beat him by 47 minutes at Ironman Canada in 2018 (I do love working that into conversation).
I’m going to California this month for a week of cycling. By myself. I didn’t invite him or ask what he thought of the idea. But I did ask him if he wanted to drive me to the airport (so he could use my car while I’m gone - it’s better than his). Ye…
Definitely not meant in the guilty pleasures context. She’s 23. I vacillate between feeling over-protective and wishing I was divorced so I could tell her to go live with her father.
@wchevron 's suggestion would have been a way more comfortable option if I hadn't downsized but I have a couch and you're welcome to crash on it and share our small but lovely space with the hub, my daughter (I'll be watching you), the dog and the c…
It’s entertaining and it's a mood booster. It just makes you happy when you watch it. <3
Except for that one weird episode that was all about Beard. No idea what that was.
Thank you @Brew_Tri for the Li’l Surfer… and the L’il Surfer. 🤣
The serving board arrived a few days ago and I thought how beautiful it was and was going to post a thank you with food on it… but then today, the wine stopper came. It was packaged in…
He lost me at "swim challenge".
I'm 100% a joiner. But I had a goal to average 1000m a day for 2022 and I fell short (by a mere 16.4K) and I am still feeling salty. I'm blaming covid in September and a cold in December. In no way did skip…
I've "registered my selection" for Tremblant. After carefully checking and re-checking the form I was filling out, which looked a lot like an IM reg form, making sure I wasn't accidentally picking Texas in April, I got a confirmation that …