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Member, Rooster Endurance Member


  • Hi. Just on my metaphorical monthly drive by of the old place and saw some lights on so thought I would leave a note. @Matt lives about two blocks from my place so I see him at the occasional run club. Well, I see the back of him because he runs fa…
    in Happy 2025 Comment by Martin January 22
  • Stage 13 - The intensity of Tadej's 400m to go attacks would see me laid up for a year to recover. Assuming I could even ride 140km and still have enough punch to stand up on my pedals. I'm not sure that you can win a Tour 7 seconds at a time, but h…
  • Stage 12 - Jakobsen out? Check. Sprinters out after 60k? Check. Hellish stage? Only if you were riding it and had an angry DS screaming in your ear to get in the break or shut down the break. Anyway, I like Izagirre, so kudos to him for the win. And…
  • Stage 11 - sprint stage, some sunflowers, yadda yadda yadda Phillipsen wins despite not having a generational rider as his leadout man. For some reason, earlier today I had a vision of Fred Armisten playing Phillipsen in a movie, or maybe standing …
  • (Quote) I picked both winners. Pedersen was an easy one, but on Sunday I had a coin toss between Woods and Jorgensen. I went with Woods because he's Canadian, eh, then spent a long couple of hours second guessing myself then jumping out of my seat i…
  • (Quote) I miss writing them as well. Been busy on other things but will try to pick up in week 2. I went 2 for 2 over the weekend, so I'm slightly more motivated now.
  • I've used strategy, I've tried chalk. This year I'm going Diane.
  • Here's the invite: Join me in the league now no.1739 : Tour de Roost Password : WTTHY By clicking on this link : Remember to log in daily to answer…
  • (Quote) Just watch the new Unchained series on Netflix. You'll be so confused that you'll need to watch a Tour from end to end just to make sense of it all.
  • (Image) Not a recognized metric measurement that I know of.
    in Oh Canada Comment by Martin June 2023
  • Beers and women's crit racing on a sunny Saturday night? I'll take it over Hockey Night in Canada. (Image)
    in Oh Canada Comment by Martin May 2023
  • @"Aaron Webstey" is still my main Canadian here, but Larry is a close second:
    in Oh Canada Comment by Martin May 2023
  • No one mentioned that I had to use the new handlebars to lose weight myself. But they are pretty to look at.
  • (Quote) 98% of triathletes can't steer a bike when they are healthy. And there are lots of smugglers that could get you to Majorca and back on 'lower' passport controlled routes. I feel like you are really grasping for excuses here.
  • I changed the handlebars on my bike and saved 60 grams.
  • I've had a couple of flats with tubeless. Sidewall cuts and the like. It's like flatting with a tube mixed with a messy scene from a porn movie when the latex sprays everywhere. Or so I hear.
  • I met Jonah at an airport luggage carousel once. Canadian celebrities are different.
  • They seem very expensive for what they are, and a review on another site seemed to suggest that while they will show you to limp home with a flat, you can't change a tire in the road if they are in. Don't know this for a fact, though.
  • I'm aiming for 3-4 kg. Ran a 5k a couple of weekends ago and joked to a friend that I was 20 lbs slower than my last one...
  • I had years of prescription orthotics for running that did nothing for me. I finally bit the bullet and completely rebuilt my stride and started to run without knee issues for the first time in over 10 years. Your results might vary. I do use Spec…
  • I have a feeling a couple of epic x-country days will get me back into this. I've actually only missed a day or so on the original 30-45 minutes basis.
  • @"James Lange" same here! Agadmator? Every once in a while I get into 4 digits on Lichess then get bored and suck out back to 900 or less.
  • I've been drinking coffee out of this for weeks and just realized that I hadn't posted it. Thanks to @"Aaron Webstey" for the alma mater thermos cup. (Image)
  • I think I'm 7000m. Double this weekend will take it to 15ish. Crap. I'm going to have to do a public swim at some point to make it.
  • Jack Reacher books. They are basically superhero pulp fiction, yet strangely compelling.
  • (Quote) I find that visualizing myself going to the pool helps to ensure that I do not actually go to the pool. ("... And then, after stripping down and putting on two inches of Lycra in a cold changing room, imagine yourself walking on cold, w…
  • Jumped in the water after recovering from a man cold (and everyone knows man colds are worse than Covid). Coach welcomed me back with a sprint warmup to kill the legs, then 20x100 endurance set. F that guy.
  • @idking90 That dog is all of us yesterday morning.
  • I'm in for 31k meters.

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