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Last Active
Member, Rooster Endurance Member, Level 2 Supporter
  • Challenge Aruba Updates and Photos

    @KenElPescadoPelado has them. In other news: I fucking podiumed today but was too drunk to attend awards. One part surprising , the other not so much.
    M_Wareellsworth53tmaggieruMattsimonsen77Jennifer PostKHilgendorfGasBombMamaCheetahStruangShepherdCraig_DPreachSwansonRobert RankinNotSoFatLewOverBiker_SamAaron WebsteyAlexSscottyMartinyournotuniqueKenElPescadoPeladoHSeeley14DerekLJohns622
  • Epic Ranga

    She did it!!!!

    (Pic stolen from her FB)

    GentlemanJerseyDaveneil5youngMark_after_DarkM_WareKenElPescadoPeladoStruangMattTad_MGasBombfyrehaardhrscottymbrekk44RashMartinSdogRobert RankinAaron Websteysimonsen77EvanCraig_DSteve HalewskiDawnC
  • 2017 Race results and pics

    I participated in my first Granfondo yesterday. I only had 3 goals: don't crash, not last, no walks of shame. Success on all 3 fronts. I hate riding in close quarters and the ride starts with a climb so I was pretty anxious before the ride. The hub rode in it as well and although he said repeatedly he was just going to ride with me, he dropped me 10 km into the 160 km ride. I kept him in sight until the start of a KOM segment (I was just 2s behind him at that point) and then saw him start to power up the climb like he thought he could actually compete for the title. Anyhoo, I wasn't bothered, thought "go do your thing hub". Apparently at the top of the climb he decided to stop at the aid station and wait for me but being the master communicator he is (not), he didn't tell me this was his plan and when I cruised by some 90s after he finished the climb, he didn't notice me. I ended up finishing the ride 35 minutes ahead of him despite taking time to IG a selfie at the 90 km aid station. Eliminating aid-station stops and the waiting for me he claimed he was doing, his actual ride time was 6:02 compared to my 5:57. Consider me smug.

    Check out the matchy-matchiness of my jersey from last year (Coeur) with these bib shorts (Safetti) and the sock porn. I should get a time bonus.

    M_WareCraig_DMartinMattKenElPescadoPeladoRobert RankinAlexSGentlemanJerseyDaveMamaCheetahwchevronNotSoFatLewRashfyrehaarAaron Websteymbrekk44Tad_MBrent_RKuchEvan
  • Epic Ranga

    We've got some bad ass chicks on the team and none more so than @rangamel .If you follow her on Strava, you'll have noticed she's been training her ass off this year leading up to Epic 5.... 5 ironmans, 5 days, 5 Hawaiian Islands. The race started today... out on the run at last stalk, I mean check. Here she is earlier in the day, all smiles on the bike:
    MattM_Warebrockduke21Robert RankinCraig_DMamaCheetahKenElPescadoPeladosimonsen77ellsworth53tMartinTad_MAaron WebsteyHSeeley14GasBombfyrehaarFastCat1107GentlemanJerseyDaveDawnCet5504
  • Oh Canada

    MattM_WareAaron WebsteyCraig_DStruangNotSoFatLewrangamelRobert RankinHSeeley14MamaCheetahccochraneKenElPescadoPeladoGasBombjimmymstevensonDHansenTrifyrehaarGentlemanJerseyDaveEvilTwinslickfins_Ryan
  • 2017 Race results and pics

    Having enjoyed myself so much at my first Fondo a couple of weeks ago, 3 days later, after maybe 1 or 2 glasses more wine than was advisable, I signed up for another one... just a baby Fondo (50 km). They made all the short distance riders start in the last corral. Maddening. It took me 30 minutes to go 11 km. After that I'd gotten around enough of the slow 100/160km riders that I could have some fun. There was no pack to ride with so I was really surprised at the finish when there was hardly anybody there!
    1st AG, 2nd female, 4th overall.
    I love my bike.

    wchevronStruangTad_MM_WareAaron WebsteyKuchMattAlexSRobert Rankinsimonsen77Craig_DfyrehaarMartinKenElPescadoPeladobalsdorfGentlemanJerseyDaveIanLMamaCheetah
  • 2017 Race results and pics

    Here I am, not going as quick as/or sporting the legit quads of Nick Hetro at CdA 70.3 on Sunday.

    Not only was I not last but if I were in the F70-74 age group, I totally would have won.

    Was great to meet Nick post-race & Harsh from the Baucco Squad at a swim the day before. Looking forward to connecting with more teammates at IMC next month.
    M_WareAaron WebsteyTad_MKenElPescadoPeladoRobert Rankinwchevronmbrekk44Craig_DfyrehaarBrent_Rsimonsen77GentlemanJerseyDaveMamaCheetahAlexSKuchscottyIanLMatt
  • Mo'vember

    From the last time I played along and "grew" one for the Movember Moustache Miler...

    This year, I'll just make my donation through one of y'all so when you're posting those pics, include your donation links. Best pornstache gets my $$.
    Aaron WebsteyM_WareMattwchevronCraig_DPreachSwansonsimonsen77Mark_after_DarkSteve HalewskiTad_MEvilTwinKenElPescadoPeladoMamaCheetahmbrekk44Brent_RRobert RankinNotSoFatLew
  • 2017 Race results and pics

    Annual Canada Day Swim... I swam a personal worst for the 2K - losing some time trying to find the mythical 6th orange buoy that was on the course map but not actually out on the lake. I thoroughly enjoyed myself though and never expect much from a swim, so... yay for coming 4/7 in my AG. I know someone has to be last but I'm glad it wasn't me today!

    Tad_MCraig_DM_WareRobert RankinbalsdorfIanLMartinAaron WebsteyA_drizzlesimonsen77KenElPescadoPeladoBrent_RAlexSMattmbrekk44fyrehaarMamaCheetah
  • Asics Running Shoes Advice

    So many geriatrics in clown shoes, all here in one thread.
    M_Wareneil5youngMattbalsdorfKenElPescadoPeladoCraig_DMartinsimonsen77wchevronRyan HeislerGasBombEvanGentlemanJerseyDaveBrent_RMamaCheetahAaron Webstey

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