Many people have asked if I've actually been fired, if
@TRS_tri and I are actually at loggerheads, and who will get custody of
@Dark_mark . Frankly, it doesn't matter how much of this is real, and how much if it is Lawlor-vs-Kaufman-esque kayfabe. Ben is a highly-skilled asshole, and I'm a goofy Canadian jag-off with little business acumen - so at the heart of it all, there are real issues threatening the very existence of TRS Radio and, and change has to come from the top down.
Here's what you need to know.
- Mark, it's not your fault.
- I am resuming my role as #KOAT and website editor/publisher.
- TRS Radio is BACK. Spread the word if you want to help it survive and thrive.
- Content for (articles, videos, polls, etc) must be created on a volunteer basis, until further notice. I hope to write at least one or two interviews a month, and hopefully the odd article will emanate from Ben's airstream like sewage into a campground shit tank. Any reasonable submission will be considered; but be prepared for rejection or re-writing.
- We need a new CEO.
We have a hole in our executive management structure. Many names have been bandied, such as
@ItsShug ,
@M Ware , Dark Mark, even my old buddy and
alleged makeout-partner, Herbert Krabel. I threw
@Martin in the mix on Twitter this morning. We need someone strong, and smart, with business sense. And under direct order from Ben, I am compelled to add to the job description "someone who doesn't suck at fucking everything". Sigh.
To quote Ben from November of 2014, "sometimes I love Webstey, and sometimes I just want to wring his neck". Personally, I have gone so far as to consider retracting several of the apologies I have previously issued to Ben. I'll let you know if I get that deep into the darkness of resentment and self-loathing.
So yeah, we have a love-hate relationship. Right now it's on the seething end of the spectrum. But, to paraphrase my favourite movie: we just can't quit each other.
Eat a dick
@TRS_tri ,