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Starting immediately, all new users must be approved by a moderator (due to spam issues). #sworry
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If you are a pro triathlete, please click here to DM AaronWebstey for access to the 'Pros-only' private forum. Don't forget to include your real name, and a link to pro race result would be great if you're a 1st-year pro.

Aaron Webstey


Aaron Webstey
Last Active
Administrator, Rooster Endurance Member, Rooster Endurance Officers
  • Welcome (back) to The Triathlon Roost

    As announced on TRS Radio Episode 93, the forum will be undergoing some small cosmetic changes, with a new name and URL. Fresh new look, same great taste!

    As such, you will see things gradually begin to change, so as to create as little disruption in service as possible. At some point soon, there will be a small amount of downtime while I move to the new URL (the old URL will still redirect to the new site, so nobody gets lost in the shuffle).

    TRS Racing/Baucco Squad will always have a home here, as long as they want. The name is rooster-related on purpose, and the colours will remain as a show of unofficial affiliation with TRS Triathlon/Radio. I'll be attempting to start a discussion about each episode of TRS Radio (hopefully some of you will help with that), and this will still be the #1 spot for fans and supporters of TRS Triathlon to have a "great hang", as @TRS_tri likes to say. :)

    Basically, not much will change for most of you. I hope you will all stick around and keep creating and growing this community. I think we have something unique here, something that would be different from the other forums even if we grew to a similar size. You people make it worth continuing, even if I never make a dime.

    Onward and upward. And don't ever forget where we came from - @TRS_tri is still this forum's spirit animal.

    M_WareKenElPescadoPeladoRashmbrekk44wspeytonSchmitzHappensGasBombAdam WTad_MMattCraig_DShepherdlakercrMartinPreachSwansonHensatcA_drizzleyournotuniqueRobert RankinFastCat1107James LangejimmymstevensonHSeeley14Chris10doyoueventribro
  • Rankin = Legend.

    Seriously?? Great job @Robert Rankin . Great champion.
    kjrunninMattmbrekk44M_WareRobert RankinDerekLellsworth53twchevronyournotuniquePreachSwansonsimonsen77Brew_TriMartinGasBombCraig_DKenElPescadoPeladoMamaCheetahKuchEvanfyrehaarShepherdTad_Msronk
  • IMAZ - Great job to our very own TriFantasy aka Zach Miller and everyone who raced!

    Congrats to @Zach Miller on absolutely crushing it and grabbing a KQ!! Unbelievable. And many #sworries to @MamaCheetah on the DNF.

    Any other Roosters race yesterday?

    PreachSwansonM_WareKuchwchevronJames LangeEvanmbrekk44KenElPescadoPeladosronkRashHSeeley14MamaCheetahKHilgendorfTad_MlakercrShepherdRobert RankinCraig_DMartinfyrehaarBrent_RA_Monroe
  • Keep The Roost alive for another year, at no cost to you

    For all the Capons and Headless Chickens out there, this site survives on a combination of display ads, online sales commissions, and in the end, your sense of community. Whether you're shopping for the TriRoost Secret Santa exchange, or for your own family's holiday gifts, or just finally pulling the trigger on that 23andMe DNA Test (best of luck to whomever ordered that!), you can help keep the Roost alive at no extra cost to you.

    All you have to do is:
    1. Canadians: click here, and make this link your bookmark. UK, click here.
    2. Shop on using the same browser/app in the next 30 days (bookmarking the link helps!)
    3. Can't find it on Try Wiggle. A LOT of tri stuff there.
    4. TriRoost T-shirts make great gifts, and the site gets a couple bucks (USD!) for each shirt. USA only, #sworry.
    5. Feel great about supporting your 2nd favourite triathlon forum!

    A couple notes:
    - I can NOT see who made orders on Amazon or any affiliate. I can see what was ordered, but absolutely none of your information gets to me.
    - if you do a lot of online shopping on some other site and *really* want to help keep the lights on, let me know. They might have an affiliate program. For instance, I am in the Wahoo affiliate program - click here if you're in the market for a trainer.

    Thank you all so much for being here, and for all your support thus far.

    If you do feel like donating a bit of your hard-earned dough to help keep the lights on, you now have a couple of options as well.

    One-time payments: The TriRoost Digital Tip Jar -
    Monthly support (you will contribute toward monthly incentives/prizes for members): TriRoost on Patreon -

    As discussed in this post, here is the TRS Radio Amazon Link:

    MattM_Waresimonsen77balsdorfCraig_DKuchwchevronfyrehaarTad_MKelly O'MaraEvanJames LangePreachSwansonRobert RankinKenElPescadoPeladoMartinGasBombHSeeley14Granpa Chookgregkjrielley1406slickfins_Ryan
  • 2019 Team - Rooster Endurance

    Strong candidate for best application.

    Robert RankinGranpa ChookwchevronM_WareMartinJennifer PostPreachSwansonMark_after_DarkGrantInSLCMattCraig_DTad_MrangamelJohns622KuchJames LangeKenElPescadoPeladosimonsen77HSeeley14A_drizzle
  • To Honour Mark_after_Dark

    I can't believe @maggieru didn't post this here herself

    M_WarePevashishDaulMartinRobert RankinJennifer PostGranpa ChookTad_Mellsworth53tKenElPescadoPeladombrekk44wchevronMattMark_after_DarkIanLmaggierubalsdorfidking90slickfins_Ryanyournotunique1_Hot_Pretzel
  • Roostagram

    Why they hell do you use a Mickey Mouse hand as a cursor?
    Actually I have a special cursor for you @Zach Boring

    Zach BoringTad_MkjrunninDawnCGasBombsimonsen77ellsworth53tHensatcCraig_DItsShugMartinEvanDerekLtwig05MamaCheetahHSeeley14maggieruBrent_Rtoebutt769KenElPescadoPelado
  • How could someone sabotage your race?

    Move the tire label half an inch out of alignment with the valve stem, thus ruining all bike leg action photos
  • #maketriathlonwholeagain

    Many people have asked if I've actually been fired, if @TRS_tri and I are actually at loggerheads, and who will get custody of @Dark_mark . Frankly, it doesn't matter how much of this is real, and how much if it is Lawlor-vs-Kaufman-esque kayfabe. Ben is a highly-skilled asshole, and I'm a goofy Canadian jag-off with little business acumen - so at the heart of it all, there are real issues threatening the very existence of TRS Radio and, and change has to come from the top down.

    Here's what you need to know.

    - Mark, it's not your fault.
    - I am resuming my role as #KOAT and website editor/publisher.
    - TRS Radio is BACK. Spread the word if you want to help it survive and thrive.
    - Content for (articles, videos, polls, etc) must be created on a volunteer basis, until further notice. I hope to write at least one or two interviews a month, and hopefully the odd article will emanate from Ben's airstream like sewage into a campground shit tank. Any reasonable submission will be considered; but be prepared for rejection or re-writing.
    - We need a new CEO.

    We have a hole in our executive management structure. Many names have been bandied, such as @ItsShug , @M Ware , Dark Mark, even my old buddy and alleged makeout-partner, Herbert Krabel. I threw @Martin in the mix on Twitter this morning. We need someone strong, and smart, with business sense. And under direct order from Ben, I am compelled to add to the job description "someone who doesn't suck at fucking everything". Sigh.

    To quote Ben from November of 2014, "sometimes I love Webstey, and sometimes I just want to wring his neck". Personally, I have gone so far as to consider retracting several of the apologies I have previously issued to Ben. I'll let you know if I get that deep into the darkness of resentment and self-loathing.

    So yeah, we have a love-hate relationship. Right now it's on the seething end of the spectrum. But, to paraphrase my favourite movie: we just can't quit each other.

    Eat a dick @TRS_tri ,

    KenElPescadoPeladoMattsimonsen77Evanmbrekk44GasBombMartinHSeeley14Robert RankinDawnCpeteMattpattjakesaundersJames LangeA_drizzletwig05Monosyllabic-AZCraig_Dyournotunique
  • HBD

    There is a strong man named J-Shug
    Who could snap you in half with a hug
    His giant brown beard
    Is admired and feared
    And he drinks his moonshine from a jug.

    Happy birthday @ItsShug :)
    MartinRobert Rankinsimonsen77M_WareCraig_DRashItsShugmbrekk44KenElPescadoPeladoMamaCheetahkjrunninHSeeley14MattKuchTad_Mneil5youngellsworth53tyournotunique

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