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Last Active
Member, Rooster Endurance Member, Level 2 Supporter, POTM
  • 2018 Goals and Challenges

    Way to go @mbrekk44 !!! As they say "if it ain't on Strava......"

    StruangEvilTwinRobert RankinwchevronAaron WebsteyMattA_drizzleRashKenElPescadoPeladoBrew_TrikjrunninMartinCraig_Dmbrekk44rigpigbalsdorfsimonsen77EvanJames LangeAlexSmaggieruGranpa ChookPreachSwansonFastCat1107
  • POTM - Busted!

    My Wife: "What are you doing? It's Halloween and I asked you to hand out candy."
    Me: "Oh this, this is all my costume. It's not for real. I'm dressed up as a narcissistic, anti-social, self centered triathlete who shuns the neighborhood children in order to get one last October workout in at the proper watts/kg (because the training plan says so), while simultaneously logging in to the Triathlon Roost with 3 fake IDs on multiple devices in order to Like and Dark Mark myself into winning the coveted Poster of the Month award over the always formidable @ItsShug ...."
    My Wife: "That's bull, I know you much better than that."
    My Wife: (turns and leans in close to my laptop as she walks away) "What are you wearing Jake from ENVE?" *

    * Full credit due to @twig05
    ellsworth53tKenElPescadoPeladoDHansenTriMartinMattEvanlakercrBrent_RwchevronItsShugmbrekk44Aaron WebsteyM_Warekjrunninsimonsen77Nazgul350respej09Ryan HeislerHSeeley14RashyournotuniqueFastCat1107twig05doyoueventribro
  • Time Lapse - My New Gravel Build

    To honour my new favourite holiday, Martini Saturday, I am kicking off my gravel bike build. I'll post something soon. This won't be Dark Mark worthy artistry, but I'll try to make it special.
    So far, I've only installed one, most important item, to the frame. Might as well show that as a preview.

    M_Waresimonsen77kjrunninDawnCIanLMartinwchevronMattGasBombStruangmaggieruMark_after_DarkNotSoFatLewHensatcBrent_RAaron WebsteyccochraneKenElPescadoPeladoscottyHSeeley14Craig_DRobert Rankiniamuwere
  • One of our own hit on the bike.

    Mitch at his favourite pizza joint/bar Bend in the Road.
    He insisted on standing for the pic, then went to chat with a buddy he hasn't seen in a long time.

    (Great Moscow Mule served too)

    kjrunninsimonsen77KenElPescadoPeladombrekk44MartinAaron WebsteyJennifer PostPreachSwansonM_WareItsShugBrent_RCraig_DrigpigMattRobert RankinAlexSEvanfyrehaarHSeeley14Mark_after_DarkBrew_TriGasBomb
  • An Eggsellent Day got Better

    Happy to be a Rooster but even happier for @GasBomb and Becky Kerr! Congratulations to Clay and Becky!

    M_WarebalsdorfwchevronrigpigAaron WebsteyMattneil5youngGasBombIanLBrent_Rsimonsen77MartinKuchdhrDawnCHensatcfyrehaarKenElPescadoPeladoMamaCheetahCraig_D
  • 2017 Race results and pics

    Thanks to @toebutt769 , @FatLew , @Craig D , @OverBiker_Sam , @Dark_mark , @yournotunique and @PreachSwanson for making the Toughman NY Championships a great time. Great performances and great fun!

    Mattsimonsen77scottyfyrehaarNotSoFatLewkjrunninM_WareStruangKenElPescadoPeladoCraig_Dmbrekk44KuchA_drizzlePreachSwansonAaron WebsteyOverBiker_SamAlexSyournotuniquetoebutt769
  • 2017 Race results and pics

    @KenElPescadoPelado , I'm not hip enough to keep up with all that Vonberging jargon......
    But I do know exactly how to act with my 12 and 13 year old boys when they start getting too cool to be around Mom and Dad in public!

    simonsen77kjrunninCraig_DBrent_RwchevronM_WareAaron WebsteyAlexSMattKenElPescadoPeladoRobert RankinfyrehaardhrMamaCheetahHSeeley14IanLMartintoebutt769
  • 2017 Race results and pics

    Proud and special day for me today. Mixed it up with the real swimmers. My 12 year old son took 5th of 43 in the Epic Swim to the Moon Half Mile, AG 1st. He's hooked!!!!! He watched the 5k and 10k folks, and said, "Dad, Let's race the 5k next year".
    I did the 1.2 mile and took 35th of 133. AG 2nd.

    Aaron Websteysimonsen77M_WarekjrunninKenElPescadoPeladoCraig_DRobert RankinJennifer PostMattBrent_Rmbrekk44AlexSfyrehaardhrMamaCheetahHSeeley14IanLOverBiker_Sam
  • The much anticipated, loved by everyone, super official, team TRS/BAUCCO SECRET SANTA!!

    Wow, I truly feel grateful for such a nice surprise from my Secret Santa. Thank you for the personal touch and kind note.
    You win Secret Santa 2016 in my book!

    M_WareItsShugiamuwereMattsimonsen77Jennifer PostGasBombHSeeley14Aaron WebsteyCraig_DFastCat1107KuchyournotuniqueDawnCKenElPescadoPeladoEvanBrent_RGrantInSLC
  • Don't Worry over Skipping a Workout

    Yesterday on my business travel, I got a bit put off that I would have to pay 35 bucks to swim at my hotel, and even nearby pools, with crappy hours. I skipped my workout.
    After my meeting, I decided to walk 300 yards from my hotel, and see a sight that everyone in the world should be so fortunate to witness. My skipped workout faded into the perspective it deserved. I slept less than 700 meters from the point in space where our world changed forever.
    Was going to post in Friday Boozing, cause it caused this teetotaler to have 3 beers at dinner, but that didn't seem right. I like to keep politics out of what I do and say, and I think this is apolitical:
    In the current climate, we can all do our part by remembering the past and knowing that a "revisit" is not a defensible choice using any logic. Let's all contribute in our small ways to ensure this never happens again.
    Happy and safe training to all, we are fortunate.

    ellsworth53tsimonsen77GasBombM_WareAaron WebsteyMartinkjrunninKenElPescadoPeladoMattjimmymstevensonyournotuniqueOverBiker_SamMamaCheetahCraig_DRobert RankinHSeeley14

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