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Last Active
Member, Rooster Endurance Member, Level 2 Supporter
  • Our Kit Arrived ! Looks good ...

    Digging the jacket. Everything else is a condemnation of my dietary choices over the last 3 months. With Castelli, it seems small means small.

  • The Joys of Moving

    Rented one side of a duplex and the tenant on the other side introduced himself the morning after we moved in as an ex-con, and let us know that it was HIS house. Yeah, a real charmer... I once heard him screaming profanities at someone on the other side of the fence about how she shouldn't disrespect him... he kept yelling "do you understand? Do you? DO YOU?" I peeked through the fence expecting to see his girlfriend cowering but he was yelling at his dog... and apparently waiting for a response.

    Rob, who I affectionately nicknamed Slob, would get drunk on every single day off and come knocking. Depending on his mood he was either trying to get the hub to come out and fight him or he wanted a hug from me. A really uncomfortable hug accompanied by him slurring "titty hug". We broke the lease and moved in short order.

    The worst part: when he was drunk he used to play Sweet Home Alabama over and over (and over) again. I used to really like that song. Now I fucking hate it.

    The good news for you is that it sounds like you have the bones of a really good country song.
    M_WareTad_MTriHollywoodMamaCheetahCraig_DGasBombAaron WebsteyRobert Rankinneil5youngKenElPescadoPelado
  • TRS Advice Column, 'Ask A Random Triathlete' - Submit Questions

    Let me preface this by saying this is not a humblebrag as I am slow as fuck at swimming.

    What is the etiquette when you are continually passing a backstroker who insists on speeding up when you try to pass him?
    Wednesday my etiquette was to stop alongside him, drop the f-bomb, then splash water onto his face. Then I changed lanes
    M_WareKelly O'MaraMatt_FroeseAaron Websteymbrekk44HSeeley14twig05KenElPescadoPeladoyournotuniqueGrantInSLC
  • I am the go-to person for...

    As a former management consultant, I'm quite good at repackaging what I've been told into a really nice PowerPoint deck filled with gems like "operationalize" and "cross-functional" and "thinking outside the box" and "synergies".
    I actually used the word "synergies" at work today. And kept a straight face. Then died a little inside.
    James Langeandrewm88M_WarelakercrCraig_DRyan Heislersimonsen77OverBiker_SamyournotuniqueBrent_R
  • Lets see pics of your bike

    What do you mean you have to wait until you get home? Don't you have bike pics in your wallet or on your phone? What kind of rider are you? It's like you don't even care...
    asthecrowfliestcraigtriAaron Websteytcaley5HSeeley14oldmanchadjimmymstevenson3instormRADMONAVAVAV
  • New year, new bike!

    Called DHL this morning. Explained I've been getting the same message every morning for 3 days that my item is delayed, and now there is no longer an ETA (up until this morning, it's been yesterday). She asks for my tracking number. I give it to her.

    Agent: it's waiting clearance. Have you been contacted by our brokerage team?
    Me: No. The messages say further information is required. Do you need information from me?
    Agent: No. No information is required.
    Me: Do you need me to make a payment for duties/taxes?
    Agent: No. Nothing is due on this.
    Agent: You can sign up for notifications.
    Me: I am.
    Agent: OK.
    Agent: If the status hasn't changed by the end of the day, call back and we'll open a ticket. I could do it now but I don't want to.

    And they say customer service is dead.

    StruangwchevronTad_MMattM_WareMartinKenElPescadoPeladoJames LangeAaron Webstey
  • Monthly Racing Thread - October 2018

    @AaronWebstey Slow & painful, just like I like them. Much slower than @Johns622 but maybe because I am neither young nor single?

    It was my 7th stand alone marathon and 4th "fastest" (or 4th slowest for you negative thinkers), and I finished in the top half of my age group so no complaints. Great finish line brew.

    M_WareIanLCraig_DKenElPescadoPeladoAaron WebsteyMaddie_McKJohns622MattTad_M
  • Pooperintendent

    Also, thankful we had a Pooperintendent thread (never thought I’d say that) so this didn’t get posted in the donut thread.
    M_WareTad_MAaron WebsteyKenElPescadoPeladoidking90simonsen77wchevronslickfins_RyanStruang
  • Friday Boozing Open Thoughts Thread

    Do we have an official beer?
    M_WareJennifer PostKenElPescadoPeladoStruangAaron WebsteymaggieruJohns622simonsen77Tad_M
  • 2018 Goals and Challenges

    All these people getting married. For the love of God, why? Why???
    KenElPescadoPeladoM_WareJohns622Tad_MCraig_Det5504FastCat1107Aaron WebsteyMartin

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