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Last Active
Member, Rooster Endurance Member, Level 2 Supporter
  • Help Me Salvage My Season

    Ask your wife.
    M_WareKenElPescadoPeladoneil5youngMartinyournotuniqueAaron WebsteyrigpigRobert RankinGasBombEvanslickfins_Ryan
  • What's in your water bottle?

    idking90M_WareItsShugKenElPescadoPeladoAaron WebsteyMattHSeeley14Ben_jamminKHilgendorflakercryournotunique
  • Post a picture or .gif that sums up your last workout

    Apparently he's back and living in Rhode Island. #blessed
    KenElPescadoPeladoAaron WebsteyMartinMattwchevronTad_MCraig_DNHetromaggieruslickfins_Ryan
  • Oh Canada

    M_WareAaron WebsteyTad_MStruangwchevronCraig_D1_Hot_PretzelNHetroKenElPescadoPeladoJames Lange
  • The back by some what popular demand but still always loved 2018 TriRoost Secret Santa thread

    My not-so-secret Santa gift arrived today and was seriously worth the wait... It had everything I could possibly want...

    Thoughtful wrapping...

    A sweary vegan cookbook...

    My favourite super hero-wish I was her- ornament...

    A bottle of Nova Scotia's finest... (I laughed SO hard that this actually exists and now I have it)

    And if all that weren't enough, I also got the coveted TRI on the MIRA trucker :-)

    Thank you, thank you, thank you @doyoueventribro

    M_WareKenElPescadoPeladoAaron WebsteyCraig_DTad_M1_Hot_PretzelJennifer PostNHetrogregkJohns622
  • Off-season pain training or an excuse to stay out of the pool

    This is what I've been up to:

    M_WareTad_MDerekLGasBombJohns622IanLRobert RankinGregwarrosronkMamaCheetah
  • Challenge Aruba Updates and Photos

    can I rub it in that I’m here til Saturday?

    Did a private snorkel sail today with an open bar and am now working on refugee applications. So far all we’ve got is that Canada has a harsh climate and sometimes traffic sucks.

    I do have pics from the after party that involve a bit of nudity if anyone is interested.
    M_WareMattAaron WebsteyHSeeley14KenElPescadoPeladombrekk44Robert RankinMartinyournotuniqueTad_M

    Hey everyone, thanks for the feedback! I'm always so stoked when I post on here and I get a ton of feedback, especially when it's positive.

    1) wipeouts
    2) bikinis
    3) exotic locations
    4) sweet moves
    5) spend $ on legit narrator
    6) and on sweet music
    7) about 8 of you will pay $5 each, so.. $20 for narrator, $20 for music licenses!

    We'll start filming tomorrow.

    But seriously, thanks for all the ideas. I've been looking into the Patreon, @M_Ware .. we're just trying to figure out if it's possible to integrate with the Transition Four site, or if there's a better way. Honestly, my favorite thing would be to sell some kits and T-shirts with the idea that you're supporting the movement for better content. For actual videos, we'd like to just throw out a suggested price for a "team film" that's 15-20 minutes in length, but try to fund it through sponsors once the T4 viewership hits a threshold that is valuable enough to them. Then everyone can watch stuff for super cheap/free!

    @ellsworth53t Thereabouts=awesomeness. What we aspire to.
    I'll pay $10 if there are no bikinis.

    *fine print: $10 Canadian
    M_Wareellsworth53tCraig_DMartinTad_MAlexSAaron WebsteyKenElPescadoPeladoMattrigpig
  • NEW HERE!!

    I have been burned on google searches here before (fleshlight, blumpkin) so why, WHY!!! did I NOT heed that warning?
    M_WareMattTad_MKenElPescadoPeladoCraig_Dmbrekk44Aaron WebsteyGasBombHSeeley14MamaCheetah
  • Let's See Your Critters

    Yesterday the hub took our shaggy furball maltipoo to the groomers. That's him sporting his typical look, which I think suits him:

    Unbeknownst to me, the hub made a special request to the groomers. And this is how he came home:

    I can't even.
    M_WareMartinKenElPescadoPeladoCraig_DTad_MAaron WebsteyGasBombGentlemanJerseyDaveDawnCMamaCheetah

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