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Member, Rooster Endurance Member, Level 2 Supporter
  • Ironman Canada

    We got ‘er done. Hottest day of the year and (rumour has it, I’m too lazy to check), the most gain on any bike course on the current IM roster. Happy with my swim, happy with my bike, the run was a shit show in an inferno. I walked every hill and everything in full sun, except when I came across Rachel McBride spectating and she gave me a high-5. Then I did a Rachel-fartlek until I was out of her sight... gotta redeem myself next time or it will be time to change my social media handle. I beat the hub by 47 minutes so am feeling appropriately smug.

    Thanks @Matt for helping me with a last minute bike panic.
    Jennifer PostCraig_DM_WareKenElPescadoPeladoMattTad_MAaron WebsteyMark_after_DarkMartintoebutt769HSeeley14
  • HBD

    LOL... thanks! I celebrated the slowing of my metabolism and gradual loss of skin elasticity and cognitive function with a 4800m swim (locker #69, you’re welcome), 48 km ride and a 48 minute run. Now I believe there are 48 glasses of wine waiting for me...
    Tad_MM_WareCraig_DAaron WebsteyKenElPescadoPeladoMattMark_after_DarkMartinsimonsen77MamaCheetahyournotunique
  • The bad question, why do people cheat?

    I do think there’s a difference between those who dope and the course cutters. When the Julie Miller shit hit the fan, I concluded that it’s not about the win (since she knew she didn’t win) but that she must get a thrill out of planning and successfully executing the deception.
    wchevronMartinGranpa ChookAaron WebsteyRobert RankinPreachSwansondhrTad_MfyrehaarKenElPescadoPeladoMamaCheetah
  • 2018 Goals and Challenges

    I also challenge @kjrunnin to drink enough wine to build this tree out of the empties and put it up in her yard next Christmas.
    Isn't this supposed to be something difficult? That's a test of my crafty-handy skills, not my wine consumption... Kidding! (sort of)

    My goals for 2018 include doing a little less of certain things: less spending, less TV (trainer Netflix doesn't count), less social media, and yes... less wine. I hope the BC & California wine industries will be OK.

    Run 2018 kms.
    Find a run PB somewhere, anywhere, to prove my best days aren't behind me.
    Eliminate a debt.
    Do 18 things I've never done before.
    Read 25 books.
    M_WareStruangAaron WebsteyMamaCheetahCraig_DTad_MKenElPescadoPeladomaggierufyrehaarHSeeley14Brew_Tri
  • Happy Thanksgiving 2.0

    Happy Thanksgiving to y'all south of the 49th (even though it was last month).
    Teammates, have fun with the challenge.

    MattJennifer PostPreachSwansonAaron WebsteyStruangmaggieruMartinGasBombsimonsen77MamaCheetahTad_M
  • "It took a hydraulic saw, a grinder and three hours for Worms’ finest to free the trapped man"

    The thread title was cut off after "hydraulic saw, grinder and 3 hours" and I thought this was about @ItsShug s beard
    PreachSwansonItsShugwchevronsimonsen77Aaron WebsteyM_WareTad_MMattidking90KenElPescadoPeladoCraig_D
  • Happy bday

    I can't top @wchevron 's greeting but happy birthday anyway @Tad_Machrowicz

    - sent from the burn unit (I tried)
    M_WareGasBombMattbalsdorfCraig_DwchevronTad_MMartinAaron WebsteyHSeeley14DawnC
  • 2017 Race results and pics

    Wow! That instantly took me back to my Senior year of college. Ugh, I'm old.
    You know how annoying it is when skinny people complain about being fat?

    Google tells me that song came out in 1995. I had to look that up because in 1995 I was listening to this:

    I was 5-years out of college and chasing around a 2 year old. Fuck off with your "I'm old".
    simonsen77M_WareAaron WebsteyKenElPescadoPeladoCraig_DGasBombRobert Rankinellsworth53ttoebutt769Tad_MOverBiker_Sam
  • ST turf war in progress

    balsdorfMattM_WareAaron Websteysimonsen77GasBombCraig_DKenElPescadoPeladoTad_MwchevronHSeeley14
  • The much anticipated, loved by everyone, super official, team TRS/BAUCCO SECRET SANTA!!

    I was lucky enough to draw someone who doesn't post here and whose social media accounts reveal nothing about what they'd like... oh, happy day, this is an actual thing AND I can support TRS. What social media introvert doesn't want this:
    ItsShugKenElPescadoPeladoAaron WebsteyM_Waresimonsen77GasBombMattTad_MyournotuniqueEvanHSeeley14

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