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April challenge

KHilgendorfKHilgendorf Member, Rooster Endurance Member, POTM
edited April 2023 in Main

With spring officially starting here in the northern hemisphere, we’re rapidly approaching beach season. And while my Irish/Norwegian ass will never get tan, it can stand to shrink a bit in prep for budgie smuggler afternoons (and I’m sick of struggling to run 8:30/mi pace).

April goal is -10 lbs. Only 11 lbs to go.

Aaron WebsteykjrunninCraig_D


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    Tad_MTad_M Member, Rooster Endurance Member, Level 2 Supporter, POTM

    I'm 0-3, no sense stopping now! Let's Go!

    StruangAaron Webstey
    visit Michigan July 19th to 24th 2023 - The Sworry Trials Impossibleman and Ode to Laz
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    StruangStruang Member, POTM

    I've certainly got a spare 5 kg I could do with shifting

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    MartinMartin Member, Rooster Endurance Member

    I'm aiming for 3-4 kg. Ran a 5k a couple of weekends ago and joked to a friend that I was 20 lbs slower than my last one...

    Aaron WebsteykjrunninCraig_D
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    Aaron WebsteyAaron Webstey Administrator, Rooster Endurance Member, Rooster Endurance Officers

    I'm game for 10 lbs!! Let's fucking do it.

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    KHilgendorfKHilgendorf Member, Rooster Endurance Member, POTM

    I should probably post before and after…

    Weights. Nobody wants to see these pics (for support: see sawry tribulations thread).

    I’m starting at 197. Goal: 185.

    wchevronAaron WebsteyCraig_D
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    Aaron WebsteyAaron Webstey Administrator, Rooster Endurance Member, Rooster Endurance Officers
    edited April 2023

    Tomorrow I'll measure AND post abs

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    Aaron WebsteyAaron Webstey Administrator, Rooster Endurance Member, Rooster Endurance Officers

    I weighed in at 207 this morning but I'm sure I was over 210 in the past week. I'm going to set my sights on 199.9. Haven't seen anything under 200 in a couple years at least. Cue the tuba

    James LangeTad_MCraig_D
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    Tad_MTad_M Member, Rooster Endurance Member, Level 2 Supporter, POTM

    I started the youngster's cruise at 218, and finished the cruise on April 1 at 223. Let's just say that I need to lose 28 to get back to the Faris Al Sultain outfit. That's a stretch.
    Stretch, get it...

    Aaron WebsteyCraig_Dkjrunnin
    visit Michigan July 19th to 24th 2023 - The Sworry Trials Impossibleman and Ode to Laz
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    Craig_DCraig_D Member, Rooster Endurance Member, POTM

    Well now since this has garnered some interest, I think I'll jump in as well. I topped out at 228 on my birthday. Goal is 215 by month end. Swearing off booze until I show up at James's house. I need to slim down if I'm going to squeeze into that terry cloth robe.

    James LangeAaron WebsteykjrunninTad_M
    Canadian Division
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    James LangeJames Lange Member, Rooster Endurance Member

    I went on a Caribbean cruise with the whole family and managed to gain just 6 lbs. I did do one 10km run on the track on the boat, but there just wasn't time to exercise (and so much time to eat and drink!). Anyway, I'll do my best to be back at my April 1st weight by May 1st (204) and call that victory.

    Craig_DAaron WebsteykjrunninTad_M

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    Aaron WebsteyAaron Webstey Administrator, Rooster Endurance Member, Rooster Endurance Officers

    Only 11 out of 7 pounds to go! I'm awesome

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    MartinMartin Member, Rooster Endurance Member

    I changed the handlebars on my bike and saved 60 grams.

    Craig_DkjrunninTad_MJames Lange
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    kjrunninkjrunnin Member, Rooster Endurance Member, Level 2 Supporter

    I love every post in this thread.


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    StruangStruang Member, POTM

    The goal was to gain the weight, wasn't it?

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    KHilgendorfKHilgendorf Member, Rooster Endurance Member, POTM

    Progress report: 196.6 on April 30.

    -0.4 lbs. Winning!!

    wchevronMartinAaron Webstey
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    Craig_DCraig_D Member, Rooster Endurance Member, POTM

    219 on May 1st. Too hot in these parts not to have "a number" of beer. -9 lbs

    Aaron Webstey
    Canadian Division
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    MartinMartin Member, Rooster Endurance Member

    No one mentioned that I had to use the new handlebars to lose weight myself. But they are pretty to look at.

    Aaron Webstey
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    Tad_MTad_M Member, Rooster Endurance Member, Level 2 Supporter, POTM

    My heroes! One and all.

    visit Michigan July 19th to 24th 2023 - The Sworry Trials Impossibleman and Ode to Laz

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