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Tubeless Inserts

Craig_DCraig_D Member, Rooster Endurance Member, POTM

An actual bike related question. I have a set of FLO wheels coming to complete the 12year long build on my tri bike. I heard the guys on the Trainer Road podcast talking about inserts for tubeless road tires. Anyone here have any experience with using them? Advice and ridicule is always appreciated.

Canadian Division


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    MartinMartin Member, Rooster Endurance Member

    They seem very expensive for what they are, and a review on another site seemed to suggest that while they will show you to limp home with a flat, you can't change a tire in the road if they are in. Don't know this for a fact, though.

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    Craig_DCraig_D Member, Rooster Endurance Member, POTM

    Thanks @Martin. I was considering these as I’d had a front tire and tube blow out a while back and thought it might help keep the tire from piling up in the front brake. Probably just going to go without and see how I like it.

    Canadian Division
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    MartinMartin Member, Rooster Endurance Member

    I've had a couple of flats with tubeless. Sidewall cuts and the like. It's like flatting with a tube mixed with a messy scene from a porn movie when the latex sprays everywhere.

    Or so I hear.

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    Tad_MTad_M Member, Rooster Endurance Member, Level 2 Supporter, POTM

    I see no value for inserts on what I ride. Only used my emergency tube once. I ride gravel exclusively (unless I'm on a tri road race course). My only flats have been:
    1. One rear tire flat in 6 or 7 years running tubeless, tires were well past their life endpoint for tread and wear and tear - simple stupidity.
    2. When I forgot to screw down @P_Cottrell 's back tire Presta valve before we raced each other - calculated stupidity.

    I did have a tire flat a few years ago with tubes on the TT bike and it was because debris cut a big hole in my front tire. Went through two spare tubes in 20 meters of ride effort after the flat until the SAG wagon guy helped me and put a patch inside over the hole. If that were tubeless, all the insert would have done was prevent me from ruining two perfectly good tubes from my tailbag. I wouldn't have continued the race on the inserts. As it was, I was able to continue the race.

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