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Secret Santa 2022



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    Aaron WebsteyAaron Webstey Administrator, Rooster Endurance Member, Rooster Endurance Officers

    @Tad_M said:
    That sandwich looks amazing!!! If I play long enough, I'm hoping for a visit from Martin. I won't eat till then.

    I ate the last of it today. First on another rye bread Sando, then as a meat bed for a perfectly fried egg with cheddar. Yum

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    Craig_DCraig_D Member, Rooster Endurance Member, POTM
    edited December 2022

    Package arrived today from Santa “Tad”. You guys need to make your plans for the ODE in 2023. He’s got some sweet gear! I also get to randomly send @James Lange bags of homemade dicks as well which is the gift that keeps on giving. Thanks buddy!

    Aaron WebsteyM_Ware
    Canadian Division
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    Craig_DCraig_D Member, Rooster Endurance Member, POTM

    I also get to channel my inner @PreachSwanson by rocking this sweet running shirt. Though apparently I need to lay off the Nanaimo Bars, sour beers, and probably food in general for a bit so I don’t blow the buttons out running up the Stairway to Heaven. This is awesome @Tad_M

    Aaron WebsteyTad_MM_Ware
    Canadian Division
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    KHilgendorfKHilgendorf Member, Rooster Endurance Member, POTM
    edited December 2022

    @Craig_D the best part of the pearl snaps is that when you bust out of them, you just pretend it's because you flexed and it can't contain your greatness. (and then suck it in and snap back up - no harm done).

    Craig_DTad_MAaron Webstey
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    Tad_MTad_M Member, Rooster Endurance Member, Level 2 Supporter, POTM

    Thank you Secret Santa. You are awesome, and you knew my size. Maple Donut Flavored Canadian Whiskey. Now that’s Canadian Innovation!

    Aaron WebsteywchevronStruangCraig_DM_Ware
    visit Michigan July 19th to 24th 2023 - The Sworry Trials Impossibleman and Ode to Laz
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    Tad_MTad_M Member, Rooster Endurance Member, Level 2 Supporter, POTM

    @P_Cottrell will verify. This is the tastiest , smoothest, most dangerous whiskey product ever invented. Test successfull. The rest will be enjoyed by all this July at the Sworry Trials.
    Thank you again Secret Santa. Very unique find.

    Aaron WebsteykjrunninCraig_D
    visit Michigan July 19th to 24th 2023 - The Sworry Trials Impossibleman and Ode to Laz
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    Brew_TriBrew_Tri Member, Rooster Endurance Member

    Lucky those bubbles showed up

    wchevronCraig_DAaron WebsteyJames Lange
    Yay Sports! :#
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    kjrunninkjrunnin Member, Rooster Endurance Member, Level 2 Supporter

    Thank you @Brew_Tri for the Li’l Surfer… and the L’il Surfer. 🤣

    The serving board arrived a few days ago and I thought how beautiful it was and was going to post a thank you with food on it… but then today, the wine stopper came. It was packaged in a lovely pink box with a ribbon and I read the card about a man getting in the way of what I want. As I was untying the ribbon, my daughter kept asking “is it a penis, tell me it’s a penis, is it a penis?” When it sprung from the packaging we both laughed. Belly laughs. And then she texted pics to her friends.

    Thank you!

    wchevronMartinCraig_DTad_MAaron WebsteyJames Lange

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    Brew_TriBrew_Tri Member, Rooster Endurance Member

    @kjrunnin there should be one more gift coming...arguably the best one.

    Yay Sports! :#
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    Aaron WebsteyAaron Webstey Administrator, Rooster Endurance Member, Rooster Endurance Officers

    Next year I'll do something more funny and original. @Brew_Tri you have outdone yourself!

    kjrunninJames Lange
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    kjrunninkjrunnin Member, Rooster Endurance Member, Level 2 Supporter

    @Brew_Tri another one?! And the best one? Curiosity definitely piqued!

    Aaron Webstey

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    MartinMartin Member, Rooster Endurance Member
    edited January 2023

    I've been drinking coffee out of this for weeks and just realized that I hadn't posted it. Thanks to @Aaron Webstey for the alma mater thermos cup.

    Aaron WebsteyCraig_DJames LangekjrunninBrew_Tri
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    Aaron WebsteyAaron Webstey Administrator, Rooster Endurance Member, Rooster Endurance Officers

    @Martin so glad you like it!!

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    Tad_MTad_M Member, Rooster Endurance Member, Level 2 Supporter, POTM

    It seems as though I owe continued thanks to Secret Santa. (Of course, I often put 2 and 2 together and get 5).
    Thank you!

    kjrunninAaron Webstey
    visit Michigan July 19th to 24th 2023 - The Sworry Trials Impossibleman and Ode to Laz
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    kjrunninkjrunnin Member, Rooster Endurance Member, Level 2 Supporter


    I love it.

    Suddenly v hungry 😋

    wchevronBrew_TriAaron WebsteyCraig_D

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