Starting immediately, all new users must be approved by a moderator (due to spam issues). #sworry
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If you are a pro triathlete, please
click here to DM AaronWebstey for access to the 'Pros-only' private forum. Don't forget to include your real name, and a link to pro race result would be great if you're a 1st-year pro.
Only 14 confirmed cases in South Dakota so far, 4 in my county.
Stay safe out there my peeps.
Queen of All Donut Awards
Groovy Auntie to Roosters everywhere
An unprofessional triathlete
They've closed the bars!
Sitting around catching up on the Netflix queue, well stocked from what might've been @GasBomb 's last harvest. Trying to make the beer/booze last as I adapt to a lower overall activity level. Got the TRX set up in the garage finally, now that we need it, and actually rode the trainer a little. Lucky to have had the recent visit from @Tad_M and ride with @oldmanchad before things got crazy!
If you haven't seen it, this site from Johns Hopkins is keeping a great real-time tally of cases, casualties & recoveries. Making this type of data visualization is a big part of what I'm in school for, so I'm finding it extra interesting.
Desktop version:
Mobile version:
I will say that I am quite impressed by the NY Governor and the others that are taking the strong proactive approach. In a situation like this you can never be right. I personally think they are acting in peoples best interests even though they may not realize it.
On the way to town to pick up drive through grocery order. Apparently I have salsa and olive anxiety.
Queen of All Donut Awards
Groovy Auntie to Roosters everywhere
Queen of All Donut Awards
Groovy Auntie to Roosters everywhere
I am coping by shopping. Purchased a refurbished Wahoo KICKR yesterday on sale. Hope it gets delivered as planned. Meanwhile, finding lots of interesting workouts on IG. Going to try this dance workout at noon pacific.
I live alone which I am starting to believe might be easier than those staying home with family members.
(I may be projecting a little bit.)
Go Team Fred.
...Now off to see what all the fuss is over Tiger King.
I've been working from home since March 13th and it's been fine. I'm growing a COVID-19-day beard, so that's something. I have a decent office set-up in my bedroom. Definitely happy to be working for a company that is so accommodating and taking the situation seriously. We've been told that the office is closed for at least 8 weeks. Hopefully spring arrives up here before then!
@Tad_M throwing down training and nutrition tips for the apocalypse with buddy Paul.
RIP my Amazon free tier limits