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Rooster COVID-19 Report



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    MartinMartin Member, Rooster Endurance Member
    I was marvelling at beach pictures in Florida, shaking my head at the crowds. Then I walked my dog to the skateboard park 5 minutes from my house. It was jammed with indestructibles (youngsters). The hoops court next door as well. This thing is not going away any time soon.
    Jennifer PostkjrunninMaddie_McKAaron WebsteyCraig_D
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    M_WareM_Ware Member, Rooster Endurance Member, Level 2 Supporter
    edited March 2020
    I’ve been teleworking all this week, but last night got word that one, possibly 2 people in the building where I usually work got confirmed positive test results. It’s a rural town of less than 12,000 people. The building is closed until further notice.

    Only 14 confirmed cases in South Dakota so far, 4 in my county.

    Stay safe out there my peeps.
    GasBombBrew_TriAaron WebsteyCraig_DSdogJames Lange
    Keeper of the Cowbell
    Queen of All Donut Awards
    Groovy Auntie to Roosters everywhere
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    abussey1abussey1 Member, Rooster Endurance Member
    So my Jakroo thing just arrived. Currently leaving it in the garage so no gear photos for a while...
    MartinAaron WebsteyCraig_DSdog

    An unprofessional triathlete

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    StruangStruang Member, POTM
    Ok this shits got real.

    They've closed the bars!
    abussey1wchevronKenElPescadoPeladoJennifer PostMartinAaron WebsteyCraig_D
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    Brew_TriBrew_Tri Member, Rooster Endurance Member

    abussey1KenElPescadoPeladoJennifer PostStruangMartinAaron WebsteyCraig_D
    Yay Sports! :#
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    Brew_TriBrew_Tri Member, Rooster Endurance Member
    Brewing industry update: beer and alcoholic beverages are considered essentials. Keep supporting your local restaurants and breweries for as long as you can! Take out orders are a great stand in until you need to eat the food in your fridge.
    KenElPescadoPeladoabussey1Jennifer PostM_WareAaron WebsteyCraig_D
    Yay Sports! :#
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    KenElPescadoPeladoKenElPescadoPelado Member, Rooster Endurance Member
    Hey all, guess I've been checked out for a bit. All good for the most part at our boondock enclave just up the road from @Brew_Tri and his life-saving operation. Spring break got effectively doubled for me, then we start back all online this coming Monday. Wife is furloughed from both dental and small gym jobs as of middle of this week. We have been at each other's throats a fair amount already.

    Sitting around catching up on the Netflix queue, well stocked from what might've been @GasBomb 's last harvest. Trying to make the beer/booze last as I adapt to a lower overall activity level. Got the TRX set up in the garage finally, now that we need it, and actually rode the trainer a little. Lucky to have had the recent visit from @Tad_M and ride with @oldmanchad before things got crazy!

    If you haven't seen it, this site from Johns Hopkins is keeping a great real-time tally of cases, casualties & recoveries. Making this type of data visualization is a big part of what I'm in school for, so I'm finding it extra interesting.

    Desktop version:

    Mobile version:
    Brew_TriM_WareAaron WebsteyTad_MCraig_DGasBombSdog
    Sometimes I tweet... Follow PescadoPelado
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    Craig_DCraig_D Member, Rooster Endurance Member, POTM
    Martin said:

    I was marvelling at beach pictures in Florida, shaking my head at the crowds. Then I walked my dog to the skateboard park 5 minutes from my house. It was jammed with indestructibles (youngsters). The hoops court next door as well. This thing is not going away any time soon.

    This is quite prevalent around town as well which is pretty sad. Our cases are low by comparison and I think its giving a false sense of security. My wife shut down her business for the time being. She said that part of town the other day was so busy it was like a weekend event was going on.

    I will say that I am quite impressed by the NY Governor and the others that are taking the strong proactive approach. In a situation like this you can never be right. I personally think they are acting in peoples best interests even though they may not realize it.
    M_WareJennifer PostAaron Webstey
    Canadian Division
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    M_WareM_Ware Member, Rooster Endurance Member, Level 2 Supporter
    edited March 2020

    On the way to town to pick up drive through grocery order. Apparently I have salsa and olive anxiety.
    Jennifer PostTad_MAaron WebsteyKenElPescadoPelado
    Keeper of the Cowbell
    Queen of All Donut Awards
    Groovy Auntie to Roosters everywhere
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    M_WareM_Ware Member, Rooster Endurance Member, Level 2 Supporter
    Here’s a great diversion from fretting about 6 more cases in our county.
    MattAaron Webstey
    Keeper of the Cowbell
    Queen of All Donut Awards
    Groovy Auntie to Roosters everywhere
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    Jennifer PostJennifer Post Member, Rooster Endurance Member, Level 2 Supporter
    In Seattle/King County, we were at 934 cases/74 deaths yesterday and numbers continue to rise. City/county has shut down parks but it is our first sunny spring weekend so tons of people are ignoring the guidance. It’s insane.

    I am coping by shopping. Purchased a refurbished Wahoo KICKR yesterday on sale. Hope it gets delivered as planned. Meanwhile, finding lots of interesting workouts on IG. Going to try this dance workout at noon pacific.

    I live alone which I am starting to believe might be easier than those staying home with family members. ;)

    M_WareCraig_DwchevronAaron Websteykjrunnin
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    KHilgendorfKHilgendorf Member, Rooster Endurance Member, POTM
    @Jennifer Post I'm convinced I missed the boat by not becoming a divorce attorney. Business will be booming once these quarantines are lifted.

    (I may be projecting a little bit.)
    Craig_DAaron WebsteyKenElPescadoPelado
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    Jennifer PostJennifer Post Member, Rooster Endurance Member, Level 2 Supporter
    I can only imagine the stress of families working from home, trying to home school kids, living with financial stress, and trying to maintain a happy home life. So tough. I was about ready to divorce myself last night because I am so tired of myself.
    M_WareAaron WebsteykjrunninCraig_DKenElPescadoPelado
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    RashRash Member
    Sure, we may see a hike in divorces, but what about all the soon to be COVID-Boomer babies! I am pretty sure not all spouses/couples are applying social distancing to their genitals.
    Aaron WebsteyJennifer PostMartinCraig_D
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    MattMatt Member, Administrator, Rooster Endurance Member
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    Jennifer PostJennifer Post Member, Rooster Endurance Member, Level 2 Supporter
    M_WareKHilgendorfkjrunninAaron Webstey
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    KHilgendorfKHilgendorf Member, Rooster Endurance Member, POTM
    Rash said:

    Sure, we may see a hike in divorces, but what about all the soon to be COVID-Boomer babies! I am pretty sure not all spouses/couples are applying social distancing to their genitals.

    I’ve been with my wife for 12 years, and we have 3 kids. I know nothing of what you write.
    MartinJennifer PostAaron WebsteyCraig_D
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    MartinMartin Member, Rooster Endurance Member

    Rash said:

    Sure, we may see a hike in divorces, but what about all the soon to be COVID-Boomer babies! I am pretty sure not all spouses/couples are applying social distancing to their genitals.

    I’ve been with my wife for 12 years, and we have 3 kids. I know nothing of what you write.
    Plus, the kids are always around right now.
    Jennifer PostAaron WebsteyCraig_D
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    RashRash Member

    Rash said:

    Sure, we may see a hike in divorces, but what about all the soon to be COVID-Boomer babies! I am pretty sure not all spouses/couples are applying social distancing to their genitals.

    I’ve been with my wife for 12 years, and we have 3 kids. I know nothing of what you write.
    It was more of a question - I personally have been advised numerous times that social distancing applies by the statement, "not now, we have to social distance because I have a COVID headache".
    Aaron WebsteywchevronCraig_DMattKenElPescadoPelado
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    MartinMartin Member, Rooster Endurance Member
    If you have not been following the Tour de Quarantine coverage, please make your self-isolation much, much better and do so. If there is another quarantine, hopefully VeloGames will get on board with a fantasy league.

    Go Team Fred.
    kjrunninJennifer PostwchevronM_WareKenElPescadoPeladoMatt
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    kjrunninkjrunnin Member, Rooster Endurance Member, Level 2 Supporter
    Martin said:

    If you have not been following the Tour de Quarantine coverage, please make your self-isolation much, much better and do so. If there is another quarantine, hopefully VeloGames will get on board with a fantasy league.

    Go Team Fred.

    This is the best and you are my quarantine hero for sharing it.

    ...Now off to see what all the fuss is over Tiger King.
    Jennifer PostM_WareAaron WebsteyMatt

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    Aaron WebsteyAaron Webstey Administrator, Rooster Endurance Member, Rooster Endurance Officers
    kjrunnin said:

    Martin said:

    If you have not been following the Tour de Quarantine coverage, please make your self-isolation much, much better and do so. If there is another quarantine, hopefully VeloGames will get on board with a fantasy league.

    Go Team Fred.

    This is the best and you are my quarantine hero for sharing it.

    ...Now off to see what all the fuss is over Tiger King.
    Buckle up!
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    James LangeJames Lange Member, Rooster Endurance Member
    Good to see that most Roosters are making out ok.

    I've been working from home since March 13th and it's been fine. I'm growing a COVID-19-day beard, so that's something. I have a decent office set-up in my bedroom. Definitely happy to be working for a company that is so accommodating and taking the situation seriously. We've been told that the office is closed for at least 8 weeks. Hopefully spring arrives up here before then!
    Aaron Websteymbrekk44Craig_D

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    mbrekk44mbrekk44 Member, POTM
    Still no cases in my rural MN county. The state just went into shelter in place, but farmers will still be able to do our thing this spring. We are basically socially distanced no matter what we do out here anyways, and already have basically all of our supplies to plant this years crop. But everyone seems to be pretty smart about it except the old folks that still go to the grocery or hardware store for 1 or 2 items just because they are bored. We are also very blessed being less than an hour from the Mayo Clinic. And I can still ride all the gravel I want. So life really isn’t a whole lot different for me, feeling bad for everyone crammed into a big city. Stay safe and healthy everyone
    M_WareKenElPescadoPeladoAaron WebsteyCraig_DTad_MMattJames LangeBrew_TriSdog
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    Aaron WebsteyAaron Webstey Administrator, Rooster Endurance Member, Rooster Endurance Officers
    Finally back on my bike!

    M_WareJames Langembrekk44kjrunninTad_MMattMartinKenElPescadoPeladoCraig_DSdogGasBombmaggieru
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    James LangeJames Lange Member, Rooster Endurance Member
    You are a sexy man Webstey.
    Aaron WebsteyTad_MMartinCraig_Dabussey1

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    MattMatt Member, Administrator, Rooster Endurance Member
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    KenElPescadoPeladoKenElPescadoPelado Member, Rooster Endurance Member
    In case anybody missed what happened this week on the team FB group, here's a recap.
    @Tad_M throwing down training and nutrition tips for the apocalypse with buddy Paul.

    wchevronMartinAaron WebsteyM_WareCraig_Dabussey1SdogGasBombTad_M
    Sometimes I tweet... Follow PescadoPelado
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    idking90idking90 Member, Pro Triathlete
    In case anybody was struggling with whether they should socially distance/isolate/quarantine:

    RIP my Amazon free tier limits
    KenElPescadoPeladoSdogStruangM_WareKHilgendorfwchevronMartinAaron Webstey

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