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Epic Ranga

kjrunninkjrunnin Member, Rooster Endurance Member, Level 2 Supporter
We've got some bad ass chicks on the team and none more so than @rangamel .If you follow her on Strava, you'll have noticed she's been training her ass off this year leading up to Epic 5.... 5 ironmans, 5 days, 5 Hawaiian Islands. The race started today... out on the run at last stalk, I mean check. Here she is earlier in the day, all smiles on the bike:

MattM_Warebrockduke21Robert RankinCraig_DMamaCheetahKenElPescadoPeladosimonsen77ellsworth53tMartinTad_MAaron WebsteyHSeeley14GasBombfyrehaarFastCat1107GentlemanJerseyDaveDawnCet5504


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