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Happy 2025

Aaron WebsteyAaron Webstey Administrator, Rooster Endurance Member, Rooster Endurance Officers

2024 was a rough year. My old man got sick in the spring and died in September. My mom was left living alone with Alzheimer's, and eventually let us move her to a supportive living unit. I got fatter, anxious, and depressed, and worst of all, had to miss the #sworrytrials.

Things are finally getting a bit settled, and the Xmas break was great. Kids and family are good. And I'm planning a triumphant return to this year's sworry trials. Training starts tomorrow.

What do you all have on the go this year?



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    KenElPescadoPeladoKenElPescadoPelado Member, Rooster Endurance Member

    Hey @Aaron Webstey thanks for the update, and sworry to hear the bummer news. Good to see the Roost is still going.

    My training chugged along in the latter half of 2024, getting on the trainer a bit even though idk if I'll race anymore. With some diligent food tracking and great workout tips from @ItsShug that I'm still applying, I managed to become no longer eligible for Clydesdale category anyways. Picked up a set of Bowflex adjustable dumbbells and have been putting a hurting on myself already this month.

    If the calendar lines up this year it would be awesome to finally join you, @Tad_M and the gang at the Sworry Trials.

    Aaron Webstey
    Sometimes I tweet... Follow PescadoPelado
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    Aaron WebsteyAaron Webstey Administrator, Rooster Endurance Member, Rooster Endurance Officers

    It would be awesome to have you there @KenElPescadoPelado !! The Roost is technically still here, but obviously pretty inactive. Sad to hear about the B Squad shutting down. @AJ Baucco et al added lots of fun energy to the team/forum.

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    MartinMartin Member, Rooster Endurance Member

    Hi. Just on my metaphorical monthly drive by of the old place and saw some lights on so thought I would leave a note.

    @Matt lives about two blocks from my place so I see him at the occasional run club. Well, I see the back of him because he runs fast (2:39 at NYC last year).

    I'm more into Swimrun and pure swimming these days, and more into 'finishing' than really competing.

    Aaron WebsteyKenElPescadoPelado

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