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Anyone done a swimrun?

MartinMartin Member, Rooster Endurance Member

I'm signed up for one in August but am blissfully ignorant about them. I can swim and run, so I have that bit covered. I can drill holes in running shoes to let water out, and in a pullbuoy to put surgical tubing through it, and despite having swum for 30 years, I usually manage 12-13 strokes with paddles on before dunking my fingers in early and having one yank off.

Do I need one of these fancy shorty wetsuits that zip front and back, or should I just have a wetsuit shop cut an old tri wetsuit at the knees and pray for a cool day?

(I am sorely tempted to just do it in my Rooster Endurance budgie smugglers and sneakers if that's allowed.)

@Aaron Webstey if you have any local knowledge about the trail conditions and elevation changes at the Sackville Lakes provincial park, it would be appreciated.

Aaron WebsteyM_Ware


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    James LangeJames Lange Member, Rooster Endurance Member

    I've always been intrigued by the swimruns but never had any close to home to try. I did do an aquathon once and ran the fastest 5km of my life off it so I assume I'd be awesome at it.

    Brew_TriMartinAaron Websteykjrunnin

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    Aaron WebsteyAaron Webstey Administrator, Rooster Endurance Member, Rooster Endurance Officers

    I think, I think that Herbert Krabel may have done one of these before. If only there were some way to know. swimrun&t=jYUDVqZV8hCLzGdbonF1Bw&s=09

    @Martin I have people who probably know about that park!! I'll be in the Arctic shitting in a bag in August, so something other than my reclusive nature will be too blame for not coming to watch.


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