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You've heard of Sworry Trials, how about Sawry Tribulations?

James LangeJames Lange Member, Rooster Endurance Member

As part of my Impossibleman training I had planned on doing a solo Backyard Ultra on my training loop as an intermediate goal sometime in June. Then I thought maybe I would invite a friend or two to join me. Then I thought why not throw the invite out all Roosters and see who's stupid enough to think it's a good idea. I know it's a long shot, but at the very least I got @Craig_D lined up (even if it's just the two of us we'll have fun I'm sure). If you've always wanted to visit the Canadian Rockies this is a great excuse, and I'm happy to act as a guide while you are here. The race weekend is June 10/11. It goes without saying that this is an unsanctioned, unserious, and almost totally unplanned event.

Before you reject the idea as totally crazy, please have a look at my promotional leaflet (attached to this post hopefully), there are a few factoids in there that just might entice you.

wchevronCraig_DAaron WebsteyM_Warekjrunnin


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    wchevronwchevron Member, POTM

    I can't tell if this is an advert for a race or your Tinder profile?

    James LangeCraig_DAaron WebsteyTad_MkjrunninMartin
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    James LangeJames Lange Member, Rooster Endurance Member
    edited March 2023

    @wchevron said:
    I can't tell if this is an advert for a race or your Tinder profile?


    wchevronAaron WebsteyTad_MkjrunninStruangMartin

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    Craig_DCraig_D Member, Rooster Endurance Member, POTM
    edited March 2023

    You forgot to emphasize the fact that Cochrane is really pronounced Cock Ring. One question - are terry cloth robes part of the race swag or do I need to bring my own?

    Aaron WebsteyTad_M
    Canadian Division
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    Aaron WebsteyAaron Webstey Administrator, Rooster Endurance Member, Rooster Endurance Officers

    My god, it's glorious.

    James LangeMartin
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    James LangeJames Lange Member, Rooster Endurance Member

    @Craig_D said:
    You forgot to emphasize the fact that Cochrane is really pronounced Cock Ring. One question - are terry cloth robes part of the race swag or do I need to bring my own?

    You can borrow mine.

    Tad_MCraig_DAaron Webstey

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    Tad_MTad_M Member, Rooster Endurance Member, Level 2 Supporter, POTM

    As soon as you are ready for this to be the Ode to Laz Alberta Backyard Ultra, the licensing deal is ready. This is amazing! Good luck runners (and hoverboarders).

    James LangeAaron Webstey
    visit Michigan July 19th to 24th 2023 - The Sworry Trials Impossibleman and Ode to Laz
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    James LangeJames Lange Member, Rooster Endurance Member

    @Tad_M said:
    As soon as you are ready for this to be the Ode to Laz Alberta Backyard Ultra, the licensing deal is ready. This is amazing! Good luck runners (and hoverboarders).

    Ode to Tad has a nice ring to it.

    Craig_DTad_MAaron Webstey

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    Aaron WebsteyAaron Webstey Administrator, Rooster Endurance Member, Rooster Endurance Officers

    @James Lange said:

    @Tad_M said:
    As soon as you are ready for this to be the Ode to Laz Alberta Backyard Ultra, the licensing deal is ready. This is amazing! Good luck runners (and hoverboarders).

    Ode to Tad has a nice ring to it.

    So the Saury Tribulations early in the week as a warm up for Ode To Tad? This sounds awesome for some reason

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    James LangeJames Lange Member, Rooster Endurance Member

    @Aaron Webstey said:
    So the Saury Tribulations early in the week as a warm up for Ode To Tad? This sounds awesome for some reason

    I better make sure I can pull off a one day completely just-for-fun event for as few as 2 people before I sully Tad's good name.

    Aaron Webstey

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    KHilgendorfKHilgendorf Member, Rooster Endurance Member, POTM

    Did anyone else look at that personals ad and think, “this guy’s a runner?”

    wchevronAaron WebsteyTad_MMartinCraig_D
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    kjrunninkjrunnin Member, Rooster Endurance Member, Level 2 Supporter

    You had me at 2 cats.

    Aaron WebsteyTad_MMartinCraig_D

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    Craig_DCraig_D Member, Rooster Endurance Member, POTM

    Update: Last night shift before heading down to @James Lange 's humble abode in a couple of days. I managed to convince one of my kids to come along and try a couple of laps. I figure with a modified @Struang training plan, and my Physio guy dry needling me like i was a pin cushion I have no problem going for a minimum of 6 laps. Wish us luck! Supposed to be hot as balls as well.

    Brew_TriM_WareAaron Webstey
    Canadian Division
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    James LangeJames Lange Member, Rooster Endurance Member

    24 hours to go!

    My recruiting efforts fell a little flat. Had one dude from work (a legit ultra-marathoner) almost convinced to come, but he's planning a 120km/12hr training run so the backyard format wasn't tough enough for him. I had two dad's from my kids' swim team interested, but they are both out of town this weekend. Then I have a couple neighbors who are definitely interested in beers post-race. I think for next year's poster I'll have to show a little more skin.

    My dad is really bored these days so he's ridiculously excited to see the three of us slog around for hours. He's planning on documenting the race and is even brining his drone, so you can all look forward to that video dropping on youtube in a week or so.

    wchevronBrew_TriStruangAaron Webstey

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    wchevronwchevron Member, POTM

    Looking forward to the hot tub pics. Who gets the top bunk?

    Brew_TriCraig_DAaron Webstey
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    StruangStruang Member, POTM
    edited June 2023

    @Craig_D don't knock my training plan, it's got me to the finish of two full and a half Ironman.

    Admitedly with minutes to spare in some cases, but that's just a minor detail

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    James LangeJames Lange Member, Rooster Endurance Member

    Had an amazing weekend! Began on Friday with the shock of finding @Tad_M on my doorstep. I was very very confused. @Craig_D did a really good job of keeping that one close to the vest.

    The race on Saturday went well. All three of us had our longest runs of the year. My goal was 8 laps and I managed that. The weather was a little warm and sunny, but no smoke or thunderstorms. The communal jar of Vaseline was a real lifesaver. In the evening we enjoyed the fuck our of hot tub (sorry @wchevron no pics), pizza, and beers.

    I'll share my dad's video once he posts it.

    Not sure what the future holds for this "event" but I've got some vague plans.

    wchevronCraig_DAaron WebsteyM_Ware

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    Craig_DCraig_D Member, Rooster Endurance Member, POTM

    @Struang said:
    @Craig_D don't knock my training plan, it's got me to the finish of two full and a half Ironman.

    Admitedly with minutes to spare in some cases, but that's just a minor detail

    Hey. Don’t take it the wrong way. I tried it and liked it last year. I still say you need to bottle it and sell it. If you have at least 2 people with “minutes to spare” results you’re definitely on to something as far as I’m concerned.

    Aaron Webstey
    Canadian Division
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    Craig_DCraig_D Member, Rooster Endurance Member, POTM

    Thanks for hosting us @James Lange. It was great to just get out and run. You have an awesome family and it was great to meet them all! Looking forward to July now and have a bit more motivation to train.

    Aaron WebsteyM_Ware
    Canadian Division
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    Tad_MTad_M Member, Rooster Endurance Member, Level 2 Supporter, POTM

    @James Lange , I loved the course. It ad 7 distinct phases that I found really interesting to help with the eventual mental games that have to be played.
    What a great time, and your family was amazingly kind to the invaders.
    I’m hooked! It’s my personal best backyard in competition.

    Aaron WebsteyM_WareCraig_D
    visit Michigan July 19th to 24th 2023 - The Sworry Trials Impossibleman and Ode to Laz
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    James LangeJames Lange Member, Rooster Endurance Member

    It was awesome to have you Tad!

    Here's my dad's video:

    Craig_DkjrunninwchevronMartinTad_MAaron Webstey

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    M_WareM_Ware Member, Rooster Endurance Member, Level 2 Supporter

    Your dad did a great job. Thanks for sharing.

    MartinTad_MAaron Webstey
    Keeper of the Cowbell
    Queen of All Donut Awards
    Groovy Auntie to Roosters everywhere
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    Craig_DCraig_D Member, Rooster Endurance Member, POTM

    @James Lange Great video

    Aaron Webstey
    Canadian Division
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    wchevronwchevron Member, POTM

    I'm still waiting for the bunk bed pics.

    Tad_MCraig_DAaron Webstey
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    Tad_MTad_M Member, Rooster Endurance Member, Level 2 Supporter, POTM

    That's super cool @James Lange ! Tell your Dad thank you for all that work.
    I'm sorry I took so long to check up on the Roost.

    Aaron Webstey
    visit Michigan July 19th to 24th 2023 - The Sworry Trials Impossibleman and Ode to Laz

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