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Hey Canada and others,
Looking at booking a trip to Whistler and holy schnapps! It's kind of expensive. Anyone have any recommendations for stays or logistics?
Any and all suggestions will be taken but only good ones will be rewarded with whiskey.
Yay Sports!
Don't look at me. The two times I've been it rained!
I suggest you stay at @kjrunnin 's house and drive up.
@wchevron 's suggestion would have been a way more comfortable option if I hadn't downsized but I have a couch and you're welcome to crash on it and share our small but lovely space with the hub, my daughter (I'll be watching you), the dog and the cat. I'm about a 90 minute drive (or a 5 and a half hour bike ride, all uphill).
What time of year are you planning to come and to do what?
If you're coming in winter and you want to ski, and it's on the weekend, my advice is to suck it up and pay for accommodations in the Village. There's only one road in to Whistler and it's a slow crawl into Whistler on the highway on weekends as folks from Vancouver make their way up to ski for the day.
If you're coming up spring/summer/fall, and you're doing anything active (or want to say you are... coming up to do some trail running to prep for an ultra for example), an option on the cheap is to stay at the Athlete's Centre:
I've stayed here many times and it's great. Dorm style accommodations in the lodge, communal kitchen, and sometimes you're staying there at the same time as Canadian Olympians who are up there to train. It was a great location for weekends up IM training - close to the highway to get on the bike course, near trails for running. But it's not awesome if you want to hang in the village and have a few drinks because it's too far to stumble. home after.
My favourite place to stay in Whistler is Summit Lodge:
It's well located in the village, the rooms are nice, the hotel has a good vibe, and they let you keep your bike in your room (a lot won't so if you're bringing a bike and that matters to you, ask). It's always the first place I check... unless I'm trying to save money.
There are tons of choices for accommodation in Whistler - and price depends on whether you're right in the Village or out a ways. Creekside is 8 km south of Whistler and is cheaper. Heading up the hill a bit can also be cheaper but is still walking distance to the village. Do you have some specific places in mind? If so, let me know what and I can tell you if I've stayed there.
Depending on what you want to do/how long your trip is, Vancouver, Squamish and Pemberton are also options, though whether you save any money doing that probably depends on time of year. There is fuck all to do in Pemberton IMHO (one 60K ride on the Meadows, watch out for grizzlies) so that would be my last choice.
If you're flying to YVR, heading to Whistler for the duration of your stay, you can shuttle up there (I think) and if you stay in the village, you'll be fine without a car. Otherwise, you'll need a car.
What else do you want to know?
Oh yeah... Whistler is popular for conferences and all kinds of outdoor events so it's worth trying to figure out what else might be going on when you're thinking of going... eg. Crankwerks will probably drive the prices up, but it also can make for some fun event viewing while you're there.
I have found that if you don't want to road ride or ski and you're just looking to get to Whistler to be in Whistler (or to trail run), October is a great time to go. Reasonable room rates, deals at restaurants and it's easy to get a table, and the Village is quiet. If you're hoping to get up there and party with other tourists though, don't go in October!
If you haven't picked a time yet, come up and ride the Whistler Fondo with me in September. :-)
@kjrunnin FTW!
Though the comment about watching you with her daughter seems… strange? Is that a Canadian thing? Maybe I’ve been spending too many hours on the wrong websites if that’s where my mind went. (Should that go in the guilty pleasures thread? I don’t feel particularly guilty about it).
Definitely not meant in the guilty pleasures context. She’s 23. I vacillate between feeling over-protective and wishing I was divorced so I could tell her to go live with her father.
I meant the guilty pleasure of mine. And as someone who is oh so close to getting divorced (judge is supposed to sign off this Friday!) I can’t recommend it enough. So much freedom. But is sounds like you already have that, so perhaps you found a decent spouse.
I’m going to California this month for a week of cycling. By myself. I didn’t invite him or ask what he thought of the idea. But I did ask him if he wanted to drive me to the airport (so he could use my car while I’m gone - it’s better than his). Yeah, I guess, you could say I have freedom.
After 30 years, it’s kind of like a game of Survivor. Outwit. Outplay. Outlast.
Congratulations on your impending divorce… seems weird to say but if you emerge happier, you’ve made a good decision.
Where in cali?
Easy buddy. She just said she's happily married.
@wchevron , we'll see you at the Sworry Trials someday. For now, @kjrunnin , ignore this warning. I will say that visiting @Brew_Tri and @KenElPescadoPelado in Cali is ALWAYS the right thing to do. Having your own cycling gear is a bonus, cause the boys always set me up nicely. Then, they always ensure I get high-quality post-ride hydration and nutrition at an excellent spot. My end of the bargain, I always bring rain. Don't do that.
@Brew_Tri Staying in Westlake Village and riding in the Santa Monica mountains.
Is that “near” you? (“Near” because LA traffic can make 10K = 1h)
@kjrunnin That's about a 3-5 hour drive from us depending on your timing and willingness to break traffic laws.
I'm doing some planning for Whistler this weekend. If all works out I would be there mid to end of February. I'll keep you posted as to when I'll be up there and I appreciate all the advice! Have a good time in Santa Monica, the bloom this year is insane!
Yes keep me posted. Hoping we can connect for a brew while you’re in my neck of the woods.