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50k to 50 miles

Brew_TriBrew_Tri Member, Rooster Endurance Member

What up, ULTRA nerds! I'm making the jump from metric to imperial but don't know how! Any advice on making the jump from 50k run to 50mi run? Increase weekly mileage? Longer long runs? Cross training? Drink michelob ultra? More lube? Less lube? Study exotic plants of southern California? Exclusivley switch to an all shug BBQ diet?

For context I'm running a 50k in January and looking to do 50mi in 2023....maybe run into the night time at Ode...spooooooookkkkyyyyyy......

Yay Sports! :#
Craig_DJames LangeAaron Webstey


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    MartinMartin Member, Rooster Endurance Member

    I'm working on a similar jump in percentage terms: 5 km to 5 miles. I would consult with @Struang. His recent training for long-course events have inspired me.

    Craig_DkjrunninBrew_TriTad_MJames LangeAaron WebsteyStruang
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    Craig_DCraig_D Member, Rooster Endurance Member, POTM

    @Brew_Tri Take a look at Alan Couzens and Gordo Byrn on twitter. They have some interesting info and thoughts on training that may be helpful. Once I'm done cleaning out my liquor cupboard and finish my beer advent calendar I plan to start following a few things there myself.

    Canadian Division
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    Brew_TriBrew_Tri Member, Rooster Endurance Member

    @Craig_D said:
    Once I'm done cleaning out my liquor cupboard and finish my beer advent calendar

    Priorities! I have a 12 days of Xmas beers that needs to be started shortly or I'll end up with 12 on the 25th... there are worse thing I guess. If there are any interesting spring races in America's hat, let me know!

    Yay Sports! :#
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    Craig_DCraig_D Member, Rooster Endurance Member, POTM

    I decided I need to start training for the Ode at less than 0 since doing an IM at 0 was such a success. Since you’ve got money to burn you should come up to my hometown race. Stay at my place then head to the Ode. It’s July 2 so technically still spring in these parts.

    A great non-IM race.

    Canadian Division
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    Tad_MTad_M Member, Rooster Endurance Member, Level 2 Supporter, POTM

    Man, I'd like to be part of that road trip to the Ode.
    Test the nutrition no matter what training plan you adopt.
    Go get 'em @Brew_Tri

    visit Michigan July 19th to 24th 2023 - The Sworry Trials Impossibleman and Ode to Laz
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    Brew_TriBrew_Tri Member, Rooster Endurance Member

    Valiant effort by @Craig_D to get me out of the states for 4th of July....I ain't no traitor!!! That does sound fun though.


    Craig_DAaron Webstey
    Yay Sports! :#
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    kjrunninkjrunnin Member, Rooster Endurance Member, Level 2 Supporter
    edited December 2022

    @Brew_Tri said:

    @Craig_D said:
    Once I'm done cleaning out my liquor cupboard and finish my beer advent calendar

    Priorities! I have a 12 days of Xmas beers that needs to be started shortly or I'll end up with 12 on the 25th... there are worse thing I guess. If there are any interesting spring races in America's hat, let me know!

    Are we America's hat?

    Diez Vista is the spring trail race in my neck of the woods.

    I was going to say if you're interested, you should get on it as I'm pretty sure it sells out really fast but um, it's sold out for next year. You could still get in to Survival of the Fittest though.

    In Canada's underwear, this company puts on some great races:

    I did the Yakima Skyline 25K and loved it (they also have a 50K). If you miss the cut-off, you have to do a raft of shame back with the aid station crew. It's in the Spring but while our local Spring trail races will require that you bundle up, after a short 4h drive, this has you running in the desert in shorts and a tank top in April!

    M_WareCraig_DBrew_TriAaron Webstey

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    Craig_DCraig_D Member, Rooster Endurance Member, POTM

    @Brew_Tri said:
    Valiant effort by @Craig_D to get me out of the states for 4th of July....I ain't no traitor!!! That does sound fun though.


    You’d have to be here July 1st for Canada Day which might impact your overall race strategy. Alberta is basically Texas without the guns in the back window so you won’t feel like you’re away from home. However., if you wear you running short shorts they may ask you to leave early, which still gets you back in the underpants on the 3rd. Who knows we might be able to convince @James Lange to drive up as well

    Canadian Division
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    James LangeJames Lange Member, Rooster Endurance Member

    I like your plan @Brew_Tri: Metric to imperial, then back to metric (100k) in the Sping then back to imperial (100m) at Ode!

    I am all in for Impossibleman 2023. Training is going pretty well, and I'm 15lbs lighter that I was in July (still a ways to go on that front though). My only problem is my left shoulder is messed up so I haven't been able to swim. If I can't get swimming figured out I guess I'll just slum it with the runners at Ode.

    @Craig_D I was eyeing the Chinook half on June 11th because it looks like a lightening fast course. However, I could swap that for GWN (or do both). I'm reluctant to sign up until I know for sure I can swim, when does GWN usually sell out?

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    Craig_DCraig_D Member, Rooster Endurance Member, POTM

    @James Lange The last few years the half hasn't. Tough to tell but I'd guess June 1st might be pushing it.I get emails from the outfit that bought the race. I'll let you know if they're getting close.

    Canadian Division
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    Tad_MTad_M Member, Rooster Endurance Member, Level 2 Supporter, POTM

    @James Lange , perfect! I'm 15 lbs. over and haven't swam yet. It's gonna be epic!

    James Lange
    visit Michigan July 19th to 24th 2023 - The Sworry Trials Impossibleman and Ode to Laz
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    Brew_TriBrew_Tri Member, Rooster Endurance Member

    Did the 50k. 4k vert...."why do people do this?" Me..."childhood trauma"

    kjrunninwchevronCraig_DAaron WebsteyTad_MM_WareMartinJames Lange
    Yay Sports! :#
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    Tad_MTad_M Member, Rooster Endurance Member, Level 2 Supporter, POTM

    @Brew_Tri said:
    Did the 50k. 4k vert...."why do people do this?" Me..."childhood trauma"

    Congrats on the 50k @Brew_Tri!!!!!

    Aaron Webstey
    visit Michigan July 19th to 24th 2023 - The Sworry Trials Impossibleman and Ode to Laz

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