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Sworry Trials 2023 - July 18th onward

Tad_MTad_M Member, Rooster Endurance Member, Level 2 Supporter, POTM

Plan to attend. This is a promise, a mandate from Shelly. Breakfasts will be slightly upgraded, lunches majorly upgraded to not rely as much on "race food", and dinners will absolutely be a mix of Shelly prepared dinners (think good, healthful), and going out to some nice local joints.

The cabins, and course area will be COMPLETELY set up for Rooster racing by Tuesday mid-afternoon July 18. We will have fun from that day to the Impossibleman on Friday July 21, and then kick it into the final gear with the Ode to Laz on Saturday July 22.

Please come visit.

I am loading gear at my house with local volunteers a day earlier on Sunday July 16th, and will use local volunteers on the 17th and 18th to setup. This will remove the task from the Roosters. We will be able to race and relax starting Tuesday night.

visit Michigan July 19th to 24th 2023 - The Sworry Trials Impossibleman and Ode to Laz
Aaron WebsteyCraig_DBrew_TriM_WareJames LangeGasBomb


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    Aaron WebsteyAaron Webstey Administrator, Rooster Endurance Member, Rooster Endurance Officers

    @Tad_M I think you are overestimating the amount of setup that we Roosters did, except obviously for @P_Cottrell and maybe @Craig_D . And actually @James Lange and @PreachSwanson did quite a bit too ... hm, maybe it's just me who feels like I didn't do nearly enough to help out with everything!

    The fact that you have any time at all to spend accomodating us while preparing for a world-class Ultra event and the amazing Impossibleman is a #blessing for us all.

    Calling all Rooster Endurance members, friends, and onlookers: you do not want to miss this event. I thought it would be amazing, and it surpasssed my expectations by 1000%. I have a renewed passion for triathlon (and maybe ultra running now?) and absolutely can't wait for next year!

    Oh, and don't forget to post your photos, training plans, race experiences, and anything else you can here on the Roost - with any luck, we can generate enough ad revenue for the team/forum to contribute to the fun next year!

    kjrunninwchevronBrew_TriTad_MJames LangeGasBomb
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    Craig_DCraig_D Member, Rooster Endurance Member, POTM

    Of course @Tad_M beat me to this so I'll echo @Aaron Webstey. Part of the fun for me was being involved and helping with whatever was needed. Tad has something great going on here and honestly if you have the means and the time you need to try to make it. I never imagined that the original #Sworry Trials I attended 4 years ago would morph into it's current form. I am not surprised it did though with Tad's and Paul's vision. Both have been relentless in their pursuit of fun*. This is the result. The belly laughs, comradery, and foolishness that is on display is next level. More importantly though, you realize what a great, diverse, group of people you have brought into your life. The ultra runners have a community that we Roosters feel right at home in. Our group is made up of good humans. The Rooster Coop was evidence of that on every lap when runners without a crew came in. No one was without help to get them to their goal at any time, during any event, on any day. This event provides opportunities for strong lasting friendships to develop between strangers or confirm and renew old ones. You can step outside yourself and let your hair down and you will be encouraged to do great things, whether it be another lap, yard, or shot of Fireball. Don't get me wrong, there is definitely shit talking going on at all times, but you will like it and certainly ask for another.
    You will not find anything close to matching it anywhere else I can assure you.

    • I am a bit concerned that the "fun" resulted in very legitimate courses to play on. You will earn every lap you do, your teammates will cheer you on, and the beer will taste great at the end
    Brew_TriAaron WebsteyTad_MkjrunninM_WareJames LangeGasBomb
    Canadian Division
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    Craig_DCraig_D Member, Rooster Endurance Member, POTM
    edited July 2022

    I'll also note to the Canadian's that you can buy $200 worth of beer for $60 at any gas station

    wchevronBrew_TriAaron WebsteyTad_MJames LangeMartinGasBomb
    Canadian Division
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    Tad_MTad_M Member, Rooster Endurance Member, Level 2 Supporter, POTM

    Kind words, thank you. But it's really the people. Paul and I train there (or used to train there) about 4 or 5 times per week, and we only belly laugh half that much.
    Make plans and show up. It'll be great.

    Aaron WebsteyM_WareGasBomb
    visit Michigan July 19th to 24th 2023 - The Sworry Trials Impossibleman and Ode to Laz
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    kjrunninkjrunnin Member, Rooster Endurance Member, Level 2 Supporter

    @Craig_D said:
    I'll also note to the Canadian's that you can buy $200 worth of beer for $60 at any gas station

    Say more about that…

    Also, who wants to do the math for me on 6.9 loops of Impossibleman?

    Tad_MAaron WebsteyCraig_DGasBomb

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    KHilgendorfKHilgendorf Member, Rooster Endurance Member, POTM

    @kjrunnin i believe impossibleman is 7 loops, so 6.9 = DNF.

    Also, my youngest is channeling my struggle to exercise and not eat donuts. Cycling is too much work:

    kjrunninAaron WebsteyM_WareCraig_DTad_MJames LangeMartin
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    kjrunninkjrunnin Member, Rooster Endurance Member, Level 2 Supporter

    Yes, but that would be the best DNF.

    You need to give that wee one some aerobars.

    Aaron WebsteyCraig_DGasBomb

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    Brew_TriBrew_Tri Member, Rooster Endurance Member

    Planning on it until my life falls apart and I can miraculously make it. Happy to stop by this year.

    This is truly a gem in the endurance world. I've been to a lot of events claiming to have this. I've been to a lot of events that fake it. This weekend is the real thing. The point is to show up. I'm the flaky millennial and I somehow pulled a flight from California out of my ass to attend. Trust me, I would've stayed in San Diego if I didn't think this weekend is the best in endurance sports. Show up and run 1 lap or run 40, we don't care! We will still party and chill!

    There is no better way to describe this other than

    wchevronTad_MAaron WebsteyM_WareCraig_DGasBomb
    Yay Sports! :#
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    Tad_MTad_M Member, Rooster Endurance Member, Level 2 Supporter, POTM
    edited July 2022

    @kjrunnin , if you read the guide, it’s only two bike laps, not the normal three on the 7th loop in order to meet the full Ironman.
    I’ll do the math:
    7th loop - full swim, 33.3% of loop value; , 2 of 3 bike laps 2/3*33.3%=22.2% of loop value; full run, 33.3% of loop value. Hmmmmm. 6.888 loops = Impossibleman.
    But we round up!
    6.9 loops.

    Very cool. Didn’t event plan this. @P_Cottrell how bout that!

    kjrunninAaron WebsteyCraig_DKHilgendorf
    visit Michigan July 19th to 24th 2023 - The Sworry Trials Impossibleman and Ode to Laz
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    Craig_DCraig_D Member, Rooster Endurance Member, POTM

    @kjrunnin said:

    @Craig_D said:
    I'll also note to the Canadian's that you can buy $200 worth of beer for $60 at any gas station

    Say more about that…

    Also, who wants to do the math for me on 6.9 loops of Impossibleman?

    @kjrunnin Not much more to say other than laughing at @James Lange and @Aaron Webstey coming out of the gas station with armloads of beer and a look they’d probably had on Christmas morning when they were 6 on their faces.

    Aaron WebsteyBrew_TriGasBomb
    Canadian Division
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    James LangeJames Lange Member, Rooster Endurance Member

    Sworry I've been missing since Ode. On the Sunday I flew direct to North Carolina for a course and as luck would have it I brought home Covid as a souvenir. Yay!

    I echo everything that @Aaron Webstey, @Craig_D, and @Brew_Tri said above, especially the part where @Brew_Tri called himself a "flaky millennial". It was really neat to finally meet people that I've interacted with online for so long, and none of them were nearly as assholey as you'd think (except maybe me). Honestly though, I can't emphasize enough the instant comradery I felt with every person I interacted with over the whole event. There just weren't any uncool people around.

    During the week I liked to joke that "Roosters are fucking ROYALTY around here" and to a large extent that's true. However, unlike real royals we were eager to help out and always on the hunt for new members. We crowned many Roosters over the 5 days I was there, even if only for a day or a few hours.

    Unquestioning, immediate friendships that were so easy to form in childhood, but seemingly impossible in adulthood, were around every corner in Holly. I didn't know how much I was missing that in my life.

    I will be there next year and every year thereafter.

    Brew_TriCraig_DAaron WebsteyM_WareTad_MGasBomb

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    kjrunninkjrunnin Member, Rooster Endurance Member, Level 2 Supporter

    @James Lange said:

    I will be there next year and every year thereafter.

    That good?

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    Aaron WebsteyAaron Webstey Administrator, Rooster Endurance Member, Rooster Endurance Officers

    @kjrunnin said:

    @James Lange said:

    I will be there next year and every year thereafter.

    That good?

    Yep. Definitely.

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    James LangeJames Lange Member, Rooster Endurance Member

    @kjrunnin said:

    @James Lange said:

    I will be there next year and every year thereafter.

    That good?

    Do you mean "That good?" as in "Sworry Trials and Ode were that good that you'd commit to going until you die?" or as in "Is that good for Sworry Trials and Ode to have you there every year?" The answers are yes and no, respectively.

    kjrunninCraig_DAaron WebsteyTad_MwchevronMartinGasBomb

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    Craig_DCraig_D Member, Rooster Endurance Member, POTM

    @kjrunnin said:

    @James Lange said:

    I will be there next year and every year thereafter.

    That good?

    Oh ya. 100%

    Aaron WebsteyTad_MGasBomb
    Canadian Division
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    Aaron WebsteyAaron Webstey Administrator, Rooster Endurance Member, Rooster Endurance Officers

    @James Lange said:

    @kjrunnin said:

    @James Lange said:

    I will be there next year and every year thereafter.

    That good?

    Do you mean "That good?" as in "Sworry Trials and Ode were that good that you'd commit to going until you die?" or as in "Is that good for Sworry Trials and Ode to have you there every year?" The answers are yes and no, respectively.

    This fuckin guy. My kind of humour, but actually funny.

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    Tad_MTad_M Member, Rooster Endurance Member, Level 2 Supporter, POTM

    Roosters are royalty. It would be an honour to share the week with you every year @James Lange

    Aaron WebsteyJames Lange
    visit Michigan July 19th to 24th 2023 - The Sworry Trials Impossibleman and Ode to Laz
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    Tad_MTad_M Member, Rooster Endurance Member, Level 2 Supporter, POTM
    edited August 2022

    Craig_DAaron WebsteyM_WareBrew_TriwchevronJames LangeGasBomb
    visit Michigan July 19th to 24th 2023 - The Sworry Trials Impossibleman and Ode to Laz
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    Tad_MTad_M Member, Rooster Endurance Member, Level 2 Supporter, POTM

    Remember folks, we have 20 cabin spots for Roosters in 2023. Make your plans. Show up as early as July 18th and leave as late as July 22*.
    I think it will be fun. Athletic events are July 18-23. You can borrow bikes. We have enough.

    • If you're hitchhiking across the world and must arrive as early as July 15, or leave later than July 22, no worries. you have to stay at my house and deal with @P_Cottrell and me more than usual.
    visit Michigan July 19th to 24th 2023 - The Sworry Trials Impossibleman and Ode to Laz
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    GasBombGasBomb Member, Rooster Endurance Member, Level 2 Supporter, POTM

    I plan on being there again. Please reserve a spot for me in the cabin if possible. I won’t know if Becky can come until closer to the date. Miss you idiots!

    Clay Richard Gasway
    King of all Mediocrity
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    Tad_MTad_M Member, Rooster Endurance Member, Level 2 Supporter, POTM

    @GasBomb said:
    I plan on being there again. Please reserve a spot for me in the cabin if possible. I won’t know if Becky can come until closer to the date. Miss you idiots!

    Reserved! Now that's what we're talkin' bout. Let's go Roosters, make your plans for high quality nitwittery today!

    visit Michigan July 19th to 24th 2023 - The Sworry Trials Impossibleman and Ode to Laz
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    Brew_TriBrew_Tri Member, Rooster Endurance Member

    I'll be there. Please grab me a bunk!

    Yay Sports! :#
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    Craig_DCraig_D Member, Rooster Endurance Member, POTM

    Vacation is booked I'll be there to keep everyone awake with my snoring.

    Aaron Webstey
    Canadian Division
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    KHilgendorfKHilgendorf Member, Rooster Endurance Member, POTM
    edited February 2023

    I don’t have kids that weekend. I’m in, bitches!!

    @Tad_M what do I need to do to sign up for impossibleman? Going to give it the old college try.

    Aaron Webstey
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    James LangeJames Lange Member, Rooster Endurance Member

    I will be there! Book me a bunk (away from Craig's snoring if possible lol). I will also be giving Impossibleman a try.

    It sucked having to leave in the middle of the Ode last year, so I'd like to stay through to the 24th or 25th.

    Aaron Webstey

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    Tad_MTad_M Member, Rooster Endurance Member, Level 2 Supporter, POTM

    @James Lange said:
    I will be there! Book me a bunk (away from Craig's snoring if possible lol). I will also be giving Impossibleman a try.

    It sucked having to leave in the middle of the Ode last year, so I'd like to stay through to the 24th or 25th.

    You got it @James Lange , and we don't move out of the cabins till the 25th. Bring noise-cancelling alcohol.

    Aaron WebsteyJames LangeCraig_D
    visit Michigan July 19th to 24th 2023 - The Sworry Trials Impossibleman and Ode to Laz
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    Tad_MTad_M Member, Rooster Endurance Member, Level 2 Supporter, POTM

    @KHilgendorf said:
    I don’t have kids that weekend. I’m in, bitches!!

    @Tad_M what do I need to do to sign up for impossibleman? Going to give it the old college try.

    Awesome @KHilgendorf. Relax on the signup, it won't fill up. LOL Besides, we control the electronic login passwords and registration. HA Roosters Rule!!! I'll get the codes out shortly.

    Aaron Webstey
    visit Michigan July 19th to 24th 2023 - The Sworry Trials Impossibleman and Ode to Laz
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    Tad_MTad_M Member, Rooster Endurance Member, Level 2 Supporter, POTM
    edited February 2023

    @Brew_Tri said:
    I'll be there. Please grab me a bunk!

    @Brew_Tri Founder - Nuff said

    visit Michigan July 19th to 24th 2023 - The Sworry Trials Impossibleman and Ode to Laz
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    Tad_MTad_M Member, Rooster Endurance Member, Level 2 Supporter, POTM

    @Craig_D said:
    Vacation is booked I'll be there to keep everyone awake with my snoring.

    @Craig_D , Founder!!! and I'll take that snoring challenge. I have demonstrated my ability to sleep at a world-class level.

    Aaron WebsteyCraig_D
    visit Michigan July 19th to 24th 2023 - The Sworry Trials Impossibleman and Ode to Laz
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    Tad_MTad_M Member, Rooster Endurance Member, Level 2 Supporter, POTM

    Thank you for the ultra-realistic simulation software @P_Cottrell
    This is helpful.

    Aaron WebsteyJames LangeKenElPescadoPelado
    visit Michigan July 19th to 24th 2023 - The Sworry Trials Impossibleman and Ode to Laz

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