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0 to hero in 10 weeks/Oh shit my Ironman is only 71 days away

StruangStruang Member, POTM
edited July 2022 in Main

Anyone got any good suggestions for a get fit quick scheme. I've got all enthusiastic about excersise for the first UK lockdown then fell off the wagon and went back to my diet of Beer and takeaways.

Now woken up to the fact I've only got 16 weeks till IM UK

Of course on the other hand I've never actually turned up for any of my previous 3 IM races fit, I've just bluffed my way to finishing under the cut off!

Aaron WebsteyM_WareJames Lange


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    Tad_MTad_M Member, Rooster Endurance Member, Level 2 Supporter, POTM

    Go in slightly undertrained and overrested. If I count backwards, and start resting immediately, I'll be on track for the overrested part. Super easy.
    Safe training @Struang and hope to meet you live someday.

    Aaron WebsteykjrunninStruangM_Ware
    visit Michigan July 19th to 24th 2023 - The Sworry Trials Impossibleman and Ode to Laz
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    kjrunninkjrunnin Member, Rooster Endurance Member, Level 2 Supporter

    @Struang said:

    Of course on the other hand I've never actually turned up for any of my previous 3 IM races fit, I've just bluffed my way to finishing under the cut off!

    If it ain't broke... I mean, they do say consistency is king.


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    wchevronwchevron Member, POTM

    I say do absolutely no training at all. Will the day suck, yes. But it's going to suck if you are undertrained anyway so why waste the 16 weeks. Report back how it goes.

    Option 2, get as much training in as you can, then from the gun, go balls out as long as you can and see how far you can get before you implode. Also report back how this goes.

    kjrunninStruangTad_MAaron WebsteyMattM_WareMartinslickfins_Ryan
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    MartinMartin Member, Rooster Endurance Member

    The key is to continue drinking the same amount so as to not disrupt that equilibrium in your body.

    Aaron WebsteyTad_MJames LangeStruang
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    kjrunninkjrunnin Member, Rooster Endurance Member, Level 2 Supporter

    So @Struang how is this week going? Have you incorporated all of this solid training advice into your week?

    Tad_MAaron Webstey

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    MartinMartin Member, Rooster Endurance Member

    @kjrunnin said:
    So @Struang how is this week going? Have you incorporated all of this solid training advice into your week?

    I'm sure he's at least following mine today, given it's St Patrick's Day and all.

    kjrunninTad_MM_WareAaron Webstey
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    StruangStruang Member, POTM

    @Martin said:

    @kjrunnin said:
    So @Struang how is this week going? Have you incorporated all of this solid training advice into your week?

    I'm sure he's at least following mine today, given it's St Patrick's Day and all.

    I've done F all excersise and plenty of drinking this week, I'm liking this Tri Roost training plan!

    kjrunninAaron Webstey
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    wchevronwchevron Member, POTM

    Be that guy, halfway through the marathon, who grabs beers from the spectators and chugs them and keeps running. Everyone loves that guy.

    kjrunninStruangAaron Websteyslickfins_Ryan
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    kjrunninkjrunnin Member, Rooster Endurance Member, Level 2 Supporter

    Mile 24 @ IM CDA 2016. Everyone loves those girls.

    wchevronStruangAaron Websteyslickfins_Ryan

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    wchevronwchevron Member, POTM

    Sexy mamas!

    Tad_MAaron Webstey
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    kjrunninkjrunnin Member, Rooster Endurance Member, Level 2 Supporter

    You spelled sweaty wrong. lol.

    In my first IM, I was offered a beer at the last aid station on the run so I took it (as one does), and after a day of sweet sport fuel (and hours and hours of exercising), it was the elixir of the gods... so I'm sure @Struang doesn't need any additional encouragement on @wchevron 's "be that guy" advice, but I'm def +1 for that.

    It's also good training for the beer mile.

    Tad_MM_WarewchevronAaron Webstey

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    StruangStruang Member, POTM

    Well that's week 1 of training complete with 0 miles run, 0 meters swum and 0 miles cycled.

    On Tuesday I'm off to the Lake District ( the hilly bit of the UK) for 2 days of cycling, so that will go well!

    Tad_MkjrunninM_WareMattAaron Webstey
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    StruangStruang Member, POTM

    Well that went better than expected!

    Yesterday 5:10:21 to do 68 miles and 4944ft
    Today 3:05:10 for 40 miles 3586 feet.

    Not claiming those are good times but, better than I expected given my Sloth like approach to training

    kjrunninJames LangeMattAaron Webstey
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    wchevronwchevron Member, POTM

    I still say 0% training. Just think what a badass you'll be when you tell people you didn't train at all and completed an Ironman. Just leave out the ..." I was wishing I would die, the entire time, to end the pain" part.

    Aaron Websteyslickfins_Ryan
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    StruangStruang Member, POTM

    @wchevron said:
    I still say 0% training. Just think what a badass you'll be when you tell people you didn't train at all and completed an Ironman. Just leave out the ..." I was wishing I would die, the entire time, to end the pain" part.

    Interviewer: So how did you train the be the 10th last finisher, with only 13 minutes before cutoff in Ironman Wales 2019?

    Me: I'd like to thank all the Bars and Pubs that helped me with my carefully orchestrated training plan.

    M_WareAaron Websteyslickfins_Ryan
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    kjrunninkjrunnin Member, Rooster Endurance Member, Level 2 Supporter

    What is this 10th last finisher with 13 minutes to spare? You need to commit to this. 16:59:59.

    wchevronStruangMattAaron Webstey

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    wchevronwchevron Member, POTM

    Exactly @kjrunnin. No one remembers 10th to last. Biggest cheers go to the last person to make it under the cutoff. Imagine the glory of coming in just under the wire, with a beer in hand. You'd go down in Ironman history.

    kjrunninM_WareAaron Webstey
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    Tad_MTad_M Member, Rooster Endurance Member, Level 2 Supporter, POTM

    @Struang said:
    Well that went better than expected!

    Yesterday 5:10:21 to do 68 miles and 4944ft
    Today 3:05:10 for 40 miles 3586 feet.

    Not claiming those are good times but, better than I expected given my Sloth like approach to training

    You're dangerously overtraining on the run...

    kjrunninStruangMartinJames LangeAaron Websteyslickfins_Ryan
    visit Michigan July 19th to 24th 2023 - The Sworry Trials Impossibleman and Ode to Laz
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    StruangStruang Member, POTM

    @Tad_M said:


    You're dangerously overtraining on the run...

    You guys do remember I walked the Run bit in all my Ironman events so far!

    Swim, Bike, Walk!

    Tad_MAaron Webstey
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    StruangStruang Member, POTM

    Anyone got an 80 day panic plan? Asking for a friend!

    Technically they'll need a 79 day plan as they haven't trained today and are out drinking

    MattAaron Websteyslickfins_Ryan
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    KHilgendorfKHilgendorf Member, Rooster Endurance Member, POTM

    Drink more to forget about today. Then drink a bit tomorrow to forget about drinking today. Weeks are 7 days (though I know the Beatles said otherwise) so you don’t need to start training for another 9 days. 10 weeks is plenty!

    Aaron Webstey
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    KHilgendorfKHilgendorf Member, Rooster Endurance Member, POTM

    In all seriousness, though, how bad is your base fitness? The swim and bike are easy enough to work up to. The marathon will be a bitch, but I honestly do believe 10 weeks in enough time to get fit for a finish. 1.5 hr swim, 7 hr bike and an 8 hour hike. You just need to be prepared to be on your feet walk/jogging for that long.

    StruangAaron Webstey
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    StruangStruang Member, POTM

    My base fitness is I think fine. I went out two weeks ago and did a 68 mile ride and the 40 miles the next day with no real issues

    This maybe the problem, I know I'll get round, I also know I haven't trained properly in advance so wont be doing anything better than getting round. So think I'm struggling a bit to actually get the head to "Oh shit, time to take training seriously"

    Aaron Webstey
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    kjrunninkjrunnin Member, Rooster Endurance Member, Level 2 Supporter

    I wish I had your confidence. I've been pretty consistent since November but I'm not convinced I'll "get round" as you put it. 100% faith I will BE round though.

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    Tad_MTad_M Member, Rooster Endurance Member, Level 2 Supporter, POTM

    @Struang , you got this! Just going through that thought process is defined as training seriously.

    visit Michigan July 19th to 24th 2023 - The Sworry Trials Impossibleman and Ode to Laz
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    StruangStruang Member, POTM

    @kjrunnin if you've been training in any consistent way since November you've got this, no Ironman is that hard that 6+ months of training wont prepare you for it.

    Just get out there knowing you can finish this, and you will!

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    kjrunninkjrunnin Member, Rooster Endurance Member, Level 2 Supporter

    @Struang I hope you're right. I'm finding I don't recover as quickly as I did a few years ago so question my ability to do the long days over the next few months. Maybe I just need more vitamin W!

    Aaron Webstey

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    StruangStruang Member, POTM

    I'll just update that I did ride my bike both Saturday and Sunday last weekend

    I'm promising myself I'll get serious next month

    kjrunninwchevronAaron Webstey
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    StruangStruang Member, POTM

    One of my friends just described my training plan as

    "marginally more active than a Sloth to 140.6 in 63 days"

    Which is a pretty accurate summary!

    Aaron Webstey
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    kjrunninkjrunnin Member, Rooster Endurance Member, Level 2 Supporter

    Like how little training are we talking… how much swim bike run are you doing?

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