Starting immediately, all new users must be approved by a moderator (due to spam issues). #sworry
You can dismiss this message by clicking the little 'X' in the top right this box.
If you are a pro triathlete, please
click here to DM AaronWebstey for access to the 'Pros-only' private forum. Don't forget to include your real name, and a link to pro race result would be great if you're a 1st-year pro.
Report any issues you have with the forum here, please.
Kelly Lentz
TRS Canada Chapter
Please direct all complaints to James Lange
Co-Host of The Triathlon Preview Show
Follow @ZachTris2Run
Co-Host of The Triathlon Preview Show
Follow @ZachTris2Run
Co-Host of The Triathlon Preview Show
Follow @ZachTris2Run
Sean Murnane - East Coast Hooligan
Sean Murnane - East Coast Hooligan