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Report Problems Here

Aaron WebsteyAaron Webstey Administrator, Rooster Endurance Member, Rooster Endurance Officers
Report any issues you have with the forum here, please. 


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    Aaron WebsteyAaron Webstey Administrator, Rooster Endurance Member, Rooster Endurance Officers
    Current issue: the Voting plugin is not yet installed, so you can't up/down vote comments yet. I'll install it tonight.
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    Aaron WebsteyAaron Webstey Administrator, Rooster Endurance Member, Rooster Endurance Officers
    Current issue: email notifications do not seem to work. I have some server configuring to do to make that happen; your patience is appreciated.
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    So is there a mobile app for this?

    Kelly Lentz
    TRS Canada Chapter
    Please direct all complaints to James Lange

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    Aaron WebsteyAaron Webstey Administrator, Rooster Endurance Member, Rooster Endurance Officers
    @ADRBilly I looked into a plugin for a mobile app called Tapatalk, but it's not stable and doesn't work at all in the current version of the site software.  However, if you view the site on a mobile device, you should see that it automatically selects the "mobile" theme, which I found to be quite nice.  
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    Aaron WebsteyAaron Webstey Administrator, Rooster Endurance Member, Rooster Endurance Officers

    Current issue: the Voting plugin is not yet installed, so you can't up/down vote comments yet. I'll install it tonight.

    Update: I just got an email from the forum, so it looks like I just didn't know what my own notification settings were. Problem solved, closed due to user stupidity.
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    Zach MillerZach Miller Member, Rooster Endurance Member, POTM
    any way to have a notification when somebody starts a new discussion, like G+
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    Aaron WebsteyAaron Webstey Administrator, Rooster Endurance Member, Rooster Endurance Officers
    @TheRunOBX Yep!  Go to:

    You can set a watch for any given category.
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    Zach MillerZach Miller Member, Rooster Endurance Member, POTM
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    Aaron WebsteyAaron Webstey Administrator, Rooster Endurance Member, Rooster Endurance Officers
    Thanks @TheRunOBX !  I had to enable a setting for non-admin users - you should see more than that now.
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    Zach MillerZach Miller Member, Rooster Endurance Member, POTM
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    After your username is set it can't be changed. (For now?)


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    Aaron WebsteyAaron Webstey Administrator, Rooster Endurance Member, Rooster Endurance Officers
    edited December 2014
    @Radowicz Can you edit it now?
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    Mark_after_DarkMark_after_Dark Member, Rooster Endurance Member, Rooster Endurance Officers, POTM
    I think my wife is having an affair. Please advise.
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    Aaron WebsteyAaron Webstey Administrator, Rooster Endurance Member, Rooster Endurance Officers
    @Dark_Mark Spend more time training, tweeting, and talking to tri nerds on forums. If you search her phone, remember there's probably like a million Websteys out there.
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    Mark_after_DarkMark_after_Dark Member, Rooster Endurance Member, Rooster Endurance Officers, POTM
    In all seriousness, this forum is great. Huge improvement over G+.

    Is there any way to have the name of whomever started a post always visible? 
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    Aaron WebsteyAaron Webstey Administrator, Rooster Endurance Member, Rooster Endurance Officers
    Thanks, I'm pretty happy with it.  Definitely more suited to discussions than G+ IMO.

    Got an example of what you mean?  Like, you want it to float down the page, appear above every post, etc?
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    Aaron WebsteyAaron Webstey Administrator, Rooster Endurance Member, Rooster Endurance Officers
    Or maybe you mean in the list of discussions?
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    Mark_after_DarkMark_after_Dark Member, Rooster Endurance Member, Rooster Endurance Officers, POTM
    Like where it says "last post by xxxx" can it also similarly read "created by xxxx" after the post title?

    Also, perhaps darken the font just a tad under the post title, it is a little hard to read. I am nitpicking at this point, you really did a fantastic job.
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    Aaron WebsteyAaron Webstey Administrator, Rooster Endurance Member, Rooster Endurance Officers
    Thanks man!  Nitpicking is very helpful, BTW.  Style-wise, I'm wondering about getting a pro theme as discussed here.  

    As for the "created by", I just installed a plugin that shows "discussants", with the OP on the left and most recent on the right.  What do you think of that?
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    Mark_after_DarkMark_after_Dark Member, Rooster Endurance Member, Rooster Endurance Officers, POTM
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    Aaron WebsteyAaron Webstey Administrator, Rooster Endurance Member, Rooster Endurance Officers
    Now you guessed my other nickname. You're good.
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    @AaronWebstey Uhhh, my view just randomly changed on me and I DON'T LIKE CHANGE! Basically, everything blew up in size; can I shrink it back down? I floated around a bit but don't see an option.
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    @AaronWebstey Wait wait wait. I get it. It seems I'm getting mobile view on my desktop (I think). No bueno. How do I change it?
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    Aaron WebsteyAaron Webstey Administrator, Rooster Endurance Member, Rooster Endurance Officers
    Yeah, I tried a nice new premium theme.  If people don't like it, I can change it back to the old way.  Advantage of this theme is that it works a whole lot better under mobile; I might have to just use this one as the mobile them and the old one as the regular theme.
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    got it, didn't realize it was universal theme, not just mobile. FWIW, I like the old theme for desktop but certainly see the advantages of this for mobile. Thx.
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    Aaron WebsteyAaron Webstey Administrator, Rooster Endurance Member, Rooster Endurance Officers
    Yeah, I think I'll go with that.  Old theme for desktop, new theme for mobile.  THanks for the feedback!
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    WadeCutterWadeCutter Member
    edited December 2014
    @AaronWebstey ;
    Can we edit posts?  

    Edit-- just figured it out

    Can we delete posts?
    WTC Free since 2010

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    _MurMan_MurMan Member, Rooster Endurance Member
    @AaronWebstey No pictures are loading on my page.. just the little box with the "?"..
    This includes the title page. I can't see the Rooster Wheel or the Huub logo.  Don't know if its just me or somethings off. 

    Sean Murnane - East Coast Hooligan

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    Aaron WebsteyAaron Webstey Administrator, Rooster Endurance Member, Rooster Endurance Officers
    @WadeCutter you can edit your post for an hour after posting, I believe.  I can configure the time period if it becomes a problem.  I think it might be the same with deletion; although if you need something edited/deleted really badly just ask me and I can take care of it.

    @_MurMan is that still happening?  If so, pls report OS and browser :)
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    _MurMan_MurMan Member, Rooster Endurance Member
    Safari and OS X Yosemite (apples newest update) @AaronWebstey

    Sean Murnane - East Coast Hooligan

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