Starting immediately, all new users must be approved by a moderator (due to spam issues). #sworry
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One-stop shopping to embarrass members with kind thoughts or #EADs on their birthdays.

Sean Murnane - East Coast Hooligan
Fattest BQ on record--- *allegedly
2016 (and last) Rev3 Cedar Point champ- don't google the time though
Who could snap you in half with a hug
His giant brown beard
Is admired and feared
And he drinks his moonshine from a jug.
Happy birthday @ItsShug
Master of the Absurd - King of all Polls
Kansas Native
Tweets Me
Happy birthday anyway!
Master of the Absurd - King of all Polls
Kansas Native
Tweets Me
Queen of All Donut Awards
Groovy Auntie to Roosters everywhere
hbd @KMRyanTri !! Also looks like some pretty solid results this year, good job.
Queen of All Donut Awards
Groovy Auntie to Roosters everywhere