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Member, Rooster Endurance Member, POTM
  • UTMB 2023

    On a side note, looks like IM / UTMB is up to its old tricks. Gary Robbins had a local race in Whistler that was allegedly pushed out similar to countless IM races. I went down a rabbit hole on X last night. Pretty wild what was done and the subsequent response by Gary. Local Whistler area runner response has been fire. May not bode well for the UTMB race.

    M_WareAaron Webstey
  • Let's See Your Critters

    Unfortunately had to say good bye to Ginger on Monday. She was with us for 4 years but it seemed so much longer.

    James LangewchevronStruangTad_MkjrunninMartinBrew_Tri
  • Oh Canada

    So my drive home after night shift last night had this for the temperature. Legit cold.

    M_WarekjrunninAaron Webstey
  • F1 Montreal Weekend

    Not the start I’d hoped for. Looks like a wrong turn at Albuquerque or the pilot is drunk. Got diverted due to thunderstorms.

    Aaron WebsteyTad_M
  • Oh Canada

    The last 10 days have been brutal. -45 deg C windchill just tears right through even the warmest set up. COVID requirements at work not helping either. Safety glasses actually ice not fog up.
    Aaron WebsteyM_Warekjrunnin
  • Covid

    I'll echo @James Lange 's assessment. Alberta did a good job in the spring but I suspect people are getting tired of things and are saying screw it. I spent the summer in a plant shutdown that turned into a total disaster due to reasons other than the virus. No Covid cases directly related to the outage but a few around the periphery. 2500 people wandering around that site in the heat of the summer had everyone on edge. I spent 5 weeks trying to enforce contact tracing rules with people outside my group. Now it's starting to take hold and all that is in place is "voluntary measures". Our Premier also decided this was a good time to pick a fight with health care workers, Doctor's, and nurses to boot.
    Aaron Webstey
  • Rooster COVID-19 Report

    IM Canada finally officially postponed. Not unexpected to say the least given some of the language coming out of BC. No new date given yet but expect it to be 2021.
    M_WareTad_MJames Lange
  • Rooster COVID-19 Report

    As of tonight 1 person at site is in self isolation. Plant has to run 24 -7 so they are in the process of getting everyone to work from home for 2 weeks and reducing the numbers. Going in tomorrow to grab my video communications odds and ends.

    Ran into Costco today just to see the craziness for myself. No tp to be seen, meat fridges were almost bare, line ups like it was Christmas. People are losing their minds and there are only 8 confirmed cases in the city. Never seen anything like it.
    Aaron Webstey
  • Oh Canada

    So you want to be a Canadian right? The last few days have been off the charts ridiculous. One of my vehicles had a block heater quit working. It’s basically frozen solid in the yard.

    M_WareAaron WebsteyTad_M
  • Friday Boozing Open Thoughts Thread

    Sitting around a fire in shorts is over this year in my neck of the woods

    MartinAaron WebsteyM_WareMattTad_M

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