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Member, Rooster Endurance Member
  • Oh Canada

    @Aaron Webstey is still my main Canadian here, but Larry is a close second:

    wchevronCraig_DAaron WebsteyM_Ware
  • 50k to 50 miles

    I'm working on a similar jump in percentage terms: 5 km to 5 miles. I would consult with @Struang. His recent training for long-course events have inspired me.

    Craig_DkjrunninBrew_TriTad_MJames LangeAaron WebsteyStruang
  • Rooster COVID-19 Report

    I was marvelling at beach pictures in Florida, shaking my head at the crowds. Then I walked my dog to the skateboard park 5 minutes from my house. It was jammed with indestructibles (youngsters). The hoops court next door as well. This thing is not going away any time soon.
    Jennifer PostkjrunninMaddie_McKAaron WebsteyCraig_D
  • 88km by August?

    It's a trail run, so you need to set aside any preconceived notions (or road notions) about how long this will take and how hard it will be. This is basically a very, very long speed hike, and the hardest part will be nutrition and mental. Are you figuring 12-13ish hours for a finishing time?

    Anyway, I would never talk you out of something like this. Especially in your neck of the woods.

    I admire his willingness to test on his own children. That's some serious comic book villain level evil.
    Jennifer PostKenElPescadoPeladoidking90
  • Bold Kona Predictions

    The count of bikes, wheels, components, helmets, etc... will tell us a lot about who is successful at last-minute marketing, free product giveaways, and not a whole lot about the actual marketplace or what keeps bike industry companies in business.

    An, the Rudy Project effect...
    gregkCraig_DAaron Webstey
  • What e-bike should I get?

    Fine, how about colour anodized?
  • Fantasy Tour de France 2019 - win a Roost t-shirt!

    Loulou for the win
    It's starting to look that way. There are roughly 95 km of serious climbing between here and Paris, but only 55 km of descending.

    Imagine what is going on around him right now. A DS and team staff who never dreamed they would have the yellow jersey on this kind of rider this late in the race. A team full of road captains who had prepared for breakaways and stage wins killing themselves for you in the mountains. All of France bar Groupama-FDJ and Thibaut Pinot's mom urging you on. Ineos, the team that has won as many of the last 10 grand tours as all of the other teams in the world combined, including last year's winner (and next year's winner), looking for a chink in your armor, mile after mile, day after day...

    Compared to that, surviving Iseran, Tignes and Val Thorens doesn't seem all that daunting.
    Jennifer PostTad_M
  • Top 5 Live Performances

    Isn't Live that band that played Lightning Crashes? They were terrible.
    Aaron WebsteyMark_after_DarkKenElPescadoPelado
  • Cam Wurf is going to win Kona

    @bbculp Wurf up 15 minutes and exhausted would make for a very compelling run. I imagine he'd be loosing 20-30 seconds a mile to the fastest runners.
    I think he needs 20 minutes. Kona is a draft fest, though, and we know that team tactics/deals are being made.

    It'll never happen, though I wish it would.

    I believe McNamee has preemptively been awarded 3rd place again for this year, and a small statue of Fernanda Keller* for his efforts, so Wurf would have to be 2nd to be on the podium.

    *To whoever ends up my Secret Santa - please take note that I would also like a small statue of Fernanda Keller.

    Aaron WebsteyPevashishDaulTad_Mkjrunninslickfins_Ryan

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