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If you are a pro triathlete, please click here to DM AaronWebstey for access to the 'Pros-only' private forum. Don't forget to include your real name, and a link to pro race result would be great if you're a 1st-year pro.



Last Active
Member, Rooster Endurance Member, POTM
  • 2017 Race results and pics

    Coronation Standard Distance today. Knew it was going to be a bad day when I spilled my coffee all over myself and almost ran over my front wheel with my car...

    Hitting the high points of this one:
    Swam an extra 100m in the pool because I lost track and the guy counting lost track
    Crashed my bike with 8 k to go.. Lotsa road rash that stung but was able to finish the race. Was looking for a big improvement at this one and ended up only 6 minutes slower that last year. Now I need a beer and some Advil

    Robert RankinGasBombM_WarejakesaundersMartinKenElPescadoPeladombrekk44kjrunninMattsimonsen77Aaron WebsteyBrent_RTad_MscottyfyrehaarSeanHtoebutt769GentlemanJerseyDave
  • Do Cool Sh*t Thread (or what you've done that may inspire others)

    The thought came to me while I watched one of my kids get set up for a 25 hour video game marathon for charity this weekend that it would be kind of interesting to get a list going of all the "cool sh*t" we (or someone we know) are either doing or have done. I'll admit I was inspired by @Ben Hobbs latest podcast with Colin Hackett and was thinking that perhaps the items that make it into the thread may inspire others to take on something they normally wouldn't as well. Sure this could be viewed as a humble brag type thing, however, its a big world out there and triathlon is a very small part of it. No criteria for big or small and could be triathlon related or not.

    My 3 from the last week:
    Pulled the transmission from my commuter car (2004 Civic) and replaced the bearings with the help of my kids off and on. Surprise, surprise the damn thing still runs.
    Showed my youngest how to change his tires and check his brakes. He thought it was pretty cool working on his first car.
    Watched my middle guy fully invest himself in his charity event and see how happy he was to exceed his fundraising goal (and play video games for 25 hours nonstop without me hassling him..)
    M_WareAaron Websteyjakesaunderskjrunninsimonsen77GasBombA_drizzleMartinyournotuniquembrekk44KenElPescadoPeladoMattEvanBrent_RTad_MMark_after_DarkDawnCHSeeley14
  • 2017 Race results and pics

    Calgary IM 70.3 Overall 226/863, 20/73 AG Made my swim and bike goals and missed on the run by about 20 minutes. Way too hot for my liking. For me this is a big PR at the 70.3 distance. Course was flat and fast. Met up with Baucco Squad member Jackie Hatherly and her group for a practice swim on Friday. She's pretty fast - won her AG. Nice!

    M_WareMattscottysimonsen77Robert RankinkjrunninAaron WebsteyKuchAlexSrigpigRashfyrehaarBrent_RTad_MKenElPescadoPeladobrockduke21
  • Latest Poll - Discuss

    This just in - Frodo out for a training ride
    Aaron WebsteyGasBombItsShugMattsimonsen77PreachSwansonJason LentzkeFastCat1107HSeeley14KenElPescadoPeladoellsworth53tJames LangerangamelwchevronAdam Wyournotunique
  • Webstey's minivan

    Easy to spot him for sure

  • 2017 Race results and pics

    Toughman NY - 5:10:24 with a cancelled swim due to Zombie Fog. Rode way too hard on the bike and still managed a decent run time for myself. 19/43 OA and 13/28 Age group. Hats off to @FatLew and @toebutt769 for slugging it out in the fog on the swim. Great fun weekend that had a load of laughs. Legit race. We need to get behind this one. They love having us there.
    KenElPescadoPeladoPreachSwansonM_WareAaron WebsteykjrunninOverBiker_SamMattTad_MNotSoFatLewKuchfyrehaaryournotuniqueRobert Rankintoebutt769HSeeley14
  • POTM - "February" 2017

    We all know he has his hands full with work #allegedly
    M_WareAaron WebsteyDawnCKenElPescadoPeladoGasBombkjrunninMattDerekLHensatctrsradio69maggieruTad_MMamaCheetahBrent_R
  • 2017 Race results and pics

    Met up with @rigpig and @jamoozle today at the Great White North Tri. The guys rocked a great day. Nicely done.

    M_WareIanLkjrunninTad_MRobert RankinAaron WebsteyKenElPescadoPeladosimonsen77mbrekk44Brent_RMartinfyrehaarMamaCheetah
  • Let's See Your Critters

    So apparently my beagle is also part boxer. She couldn't get the box off but figured out that if she shook her head she could get more crackers. Shake shake crunch crunch crunch repeat....

    M_WareAaron Websteykjrunninsimonsen77ItsShugStruangwchevronDawnCHensatcTad_MKenElPescadoPeladoGasBombMamaCheetah
  • 2018 Goals and Challenges

    Post your 2018 goals here. Feel free to challenge others to achieve greatness!

    I personally need to find a better sense of humour. I also challenge @kjrunnin to drink enough wine to build this tree out of the empties and put it up in her yard next Christmas.
    M_WareccochraneTad_MkjrunninStruangAaron WebsteyMamaCheetahKenElPescadoPeladomaggierufyrehaarHSeeley14Brew_Tri

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