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2017 Race results and pics



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    M_WareM_Ware Member, Rooster Endurance Member, Level 2 Supporter
    Great job @Brent_R! I've got to know, in that first pic, is that Carrot Simmons in the background? (Richard Simmons' & Carrot Top's cousin).
    Keeper of the Cowbell
    Queen of All Donut Awards
    Groovy Auntie to Roosters everywhere
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    Pretty sweet Norco Rideau you've got there.
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    KHilgendorfKHilgendorf Member, Rooster Endurance Member, POTM
    edited September 2017

    For shame. You 3 are everything that is wrong with today's generation. Always fixated in sex. You disgust me.
    Aaron WebsteykjrunninMattAlexSfyrehaarCraig_Dtoebutt769
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    kjrunninkjrunnin Member, Rooster Endurance Member, Level 2 Supporter
    I'm liking this post because you implied I'm part of your generation - and I'm probably old enough to be your mom.

    @Matt was a huge help. Turns out the ride is much better if you adjust the angle.

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    wchevronwchevron Member, POTM
    kjrunnin said:

    Turns out the ride is much better if you adjust the angle.

    Is this another sexual innuendo?

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    M_Ware said:

    Great job @Brent_R! I've got to know, in that first pic, is that Carrot Simmons in the background? (Richard Simmons' & Carrot Top's cousin).

    @M_Ware I think he said he was going for Randy Simmons, Richard Simmons' lesser known younger brother. He's announced that race every year for the last 9 or so and he has a different costume every year. He's great.
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    kjrunninkjrunnin Member, Rooster Endurance Member, Level 2 Supporter
    wchevron said:

    Is this another sexual innuendo?

    Yup. I'm going for the "you disgust me" badge.
    KenElPescadoPeladoAaron WebsteyMattwchevronfyrehaarTad_MCraig_Dyournotuniquetoebutt769

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    Tad_MTad_M Member, Rooster Endurance Member, Level 2 Supporter, POTM
    edited September 2017
    Thanks to @toebutt769 , @FatLew , @Craig D , @OverBiker_Sam , @Dark_mark , @yournotunique and @PreachSwanson for making the Toughman NY Championships a great time. Great performances and great fun!

    Mattsimonsen77scottyfyrehaarNotSoFatLewkjrunninM_WareStruangKenElPescadoPeladoCraig_Dmbrekk44KuchA_drizzlePreachSwansonAaron WebsteyOverBiker_SamAlexSyournotuniquetoebutt769
    visit Michigan July 19th to 24th 2023 - The Sworry Trials Impossibleman and Ode to Laz
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    KHilgendorfKHilgendorf Member, Rooster Endurance Member, POTM
    kjrunnin said:

    I'm probably old enough to be your mom.

    You sure you wanna say that? I do have 2 kids, grandma!
    Aaron Webstey
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    Thanks to @toebutt769 , @Lew22 , @Craig D , @OverBiker_Sam , @Dark_mark , @yournotunique and @PreachSwanson for making the Toughman NY Championships a great time. Great performances and great fun!

    You tagged the wrong Lew. #sworry
    Craig_DAaron WebsteyHSeeley14

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    kjrunninkjrunnin Member, Rooster Endurance Member, Level 2 Supporter

    kjrunnin said:

    I'm probably old enough to be your mom.

    You sure you wanna say that? I do have 2 kids, grandma!
    I prefer Glam-ma.
    M_Waresimonsen77Aaron Webstey

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    KenElPescadoPeladoKenElPescadoPelado Member, Rooster Endurance Member

    I do have 2 kids, grandma!

    In this day and age, that only proves you're at least about 13 with a horny middle school teacher.
    Sometimes I tweet... Follow PescadoPelado
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    Craig_DCraig_D Member, Rooster Endurance Member, POTM
    edited September 2017
    @FatLew Priceless!!!

    You tagged the wrong Lew. #sorry

    This is the story of the weekend. Pretty sure this time @Tad_Machrowicz and @PreachSwanson have gotten into the Coronas they were sent home with and you're a tv star again. (Whether you like it or not)
    KenElPescadoPeladoPreachSwansonAaron Websteyyournotunique
    Canadian Division
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    Craig_DCraig_D Member, Rooster Endurance Member, POTM
    Toughman NY - 5:10:24 with a cancelled swim due to Zombie Fog. Rode way too hard on the bike and still managed a decent run time for myself. 19/43 OA and 13/28 Age group. Hats off to @FatLew and @toebutt769 for slugging it out in the fog on the swim. Great fun weekend that had a load of laughs. Legit race. We need to get behind this one. They love having us there.
    KenElPescadoPeladoPreachSwansonM_WareAaron WebsteykjrunninOverBiker_SamMattTad_MNotSoFatLewKuchfyrehaaryournotuniqueRobert Rankintoebutt769HSeeley14
    Canadian Division
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    Steve HalewskiSteve Halewski Member, Rooster Endurance Member

    Awesome race in Boulder with @wspeyton and Aaron Monroe. Two AG podiums for TRS!

    Also, further confirmation that I am, in fact, very short.
    Craig_DM_WareAaron WebsteyKenElPescadoPeladombrekk44MattTad_MNotSoFatLewkjrunninyournotuniqueMark_after_DarkRobert RankinKuchfyrehaarPreachSwansonHSeeley14

    Steve Halewski
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    Steve HalewskiSteve Halewski Member, Rooster Endurance Member

    Actual podium shot from Harvest moon Half Ironman In Boulder. Went 4:31 3rd AG and 22nd overall.
    Mattsimonsen77kjrunninfyrehaarM_WarewchevronRobert RankinA_drizzleMark_after_DarkAlexSAaron WebsteyStruangKenElPescadoPeladoTad_MPreachSwansonHSeeley14A_Monroe

    Steve Halewski
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    kjrunninkjrunnin Member, Rooster Endurance Member, Level 2 Supporter
    edited November 2017
    Seattle Marathon, new course this year, making it 25-30% hillier than previous years, and with the ideal weather one expects from the Pacific Northwest in late November.

    (And I was NOT 6th.)
    mbrekk44fyrehaarPreachSwansonCraig_DTad_MKenElPescadoPeladoAaron WebsteyRobert RankinMattNotSoFatLewHSeeley14FastCat1107AlexS

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    HSeeley14HSeeley14 Member, Rooster Endurance Member, POTM
    IM Cozumel - 11:46. Not a PB, but not a PW. The bike was a PB by over 30 min though, and it felt easy (those ENVE wheels are fucking awesome!) - apparently my hammerhead coach says I should've ridden harder :o

    I have no fucking clue how to rotate this picture - sworry KOAT.

    M_WareJames LangeFastCat1107Tad_MKenElPescadoPeladoCraig_DRobert RankinkjrunninPreachSwansonAaron Websteymbrekk44fyrehaarMark_after_DarkEvanNotSoFatLewrigpigMattKuchBrent_RAlexS
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    James LangeJames Lange Member, Rooster Endurance Member
    Congrats @HSeeley14! Smiling on the run is always a good sign!

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    kjrunninkjrunnin Member, Rooster Endurance Member, Level 2 Supporter
    HSeeley14 said:

    IM Cozumel - 11:46. Not a PB, but not a PW. The bike was a PB by over 30 min though, and it felt easy (those ENVE wheels are fucking awesome!) - apparently my hammerhead coach says I should've ridden harder :o

    Fucking rock star.

    M_WareAaron WebsteyKenElPescadoPeladoCraig_DRobert RankinHSeeley14

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    All I remember about the year I did Cozumel was praying that my bike would break into 1000 little pieces on the windy side of the island so I could fucking quit with no shame. Great job out there!
    KenElPescadoPeladoM_WareCraig_DAaron WebsteyrigpigHSeeley14Robert Rankin
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    Ironman Arizona in the books! Had a PR with 10:44. Been dissecting every little piece of it since then!
    IMAZ.JPG 385.4K
    kjrunninM_WareCraig_DAaron WebsteyTad_MEvanHSeeley14NotSoFatLewfyrehaarRobert RankinKuchAlexSSteve Halewski

    That's one small step for man! One giant... I have a dream!

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    HSeeley14HSeeley14 Member, Rooster Endurance Member, POTM
    kjrunnin said:

    HSeeley14 said:

    IM Cozumel - 11:46. Not a PB, but not a PW. The bike was a PB by over 30 min though, and it felt easy (those ENVE wheels are fucking awesome!) - apparently my hammerhead coach says I should've ridden harder :o

    Fucking rock star.

    Thanks Karin! But still want to see what else I can long as I don't have to go head to head with you anytime soon - you have become a beast on the bike and don't even get me started on running a stand alone marathon!! I hope you enjoy chicking all the PRM dudes ;)

    M_WareAaron Webstey
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    HSeeley14 said:

    kjrunnin said:

    HSeeley14 said:

    IM Cozumel - 11:46. Not a PB, but not a PW. The bike was a PB by over 30 min though, and it felt easy (those ENVE wheels are fucking awesome!) - apparently my hammerhead coach says I should've ridden harder :o

    Fucking rock star.

    Thanks Karin! But still want to see what else I can long as I don't have to go head to head with you anytime soon - you have become a beast on the bike and don't even get me started on running a stand alone marathon!! I hope you enjoy chicking all the PRM dudes ;)

    Get a room already you two.
    Johns622Craig_DAaron WebsteyTad_MwchevronMartin
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    kjrunninkjrunnin Member, Rooster Endurance Member, Level 2 Supporter
    Thanks for the kind words @HSeeley14 - your payment is coming... right after I chick @Rash on the bike
    M_WareAaron WebsteyCraig_DStruangRashKenElPescadoPeladoMartin

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    Johns622Johns622 Member, Rooster Endurance Member
    Great times had by all at the Pere Marquette Trail Run (7.8 miles) today. They claim to be the toughest trail in the Midwest. I don’t know about all that, but it’s a great end of the season race nonetheless. Most importantly, at the finish they had hot chocolate, coffee, and Irish whiskey. Didn’t end up drunk on the podium this year because I got old (25-29 actually has some trail runners).
    Robert RankinM_WareCraig_DwchevronTad_MkjrunninAaron WebsteyKenElPescadoPeladoKuchfyrehaar
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    kjrunninkjrunnin Member, Rooster Endurance Member, Level 2 Supporter
    If you’re suggesting 25-29 is old, I’m going to have to ask you to step outside, son.
    Aaron WebsteyM_WareRobert RankinCraig_DMartinKenElPescadoPeladoJohns622StruangSteve Halewski

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    Johns622Johns622 Member, Rooster Endurance Member
    @kjrunnin I thought i made a funny, sworry
    M_WarekjrunninAaron Webstey

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