Starting immediately, all new users must be approved by a moderator (due to spam issues). #sworry
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If you are a pro triathlete, please click here to DM AaronWebstey for access to the 'Pros-only' private forum. Don't forget to include your real name, and a link to pro race result would be great if you're a 1st-year pro.
I'd suggest we all put shirt/pant/shoe sizes (in case someone wants to buy a shirt or socks) when we DM @KHilgendorf
Also maybe some interests/hobbies. Hasn't been much posting lately and I for one aren't on any social media so I know it would be hard for someone get an idea of my hobbies.
@Martin Jenne turned around, glanced at me, and deftly turned a "WHOA" into a "whoaaahey, Nuts!". Almost as impressive as you peeling your jacket to reveal a triroost plaid button up. You guys made my day.
It's been a while! If anyone is still here and wants to do it, sure!
Let's go.
I'm in.
Let's do it.
Six people. Do we give it until Wednesday for a few more?
yeah, might as well.
Roger Rodger
@Matt @kjrunnin We need one more Canadian.
OK, fine... but you need to know that I am not as good at secret santa gifting as I am at triathlon. And I am terrible at triathlon.
This sounds perfect!
Okay. Everyone slide into my DMs and send my your addresses. I’ll divvy us all up as they come in.
I'd suggest we all put shirt/pant/shoe sizes (in case someone wants to buy a shirt or socks) when we DM @KHilgendorf
Also maybe some interests/hobbies. Hasn't been much posting lately and I for one aren't on any social media so I know it would be hard for someone get an idea of my hobbies.
What is the price range/limit we are going for?
XL shirt, 11 shoes, I don't wear pants
Oh yes you do and it looks like this:

@Craig_D , that's hysterical!
Sad to say, their running form is better than mine.
Chest out/ass out.
Oh man, I missed secret Santa. What have I become
There’s still time!!
I'm a large on top, 34/32 bottom, giant head, size 10.5 shoe
Are we doing this?,vid:LnpuzOQDREk
@Aaron Webstey send me your addy and I’ll make sure someone knows you’re the last one holding everything up.
Done! Let's do it! Ho ho fuckin ho
Gift chosen, custom ordered, and shipped. Feeling pretty good about this one. Kept it under $50 CAD, sorry for being cheap.
Arrived today. Thank you Secret Santa. Just in time for our bourbon tasting on Christmas Eve.
@Martin is my all time favourite. Montreal smoked meat, hand delivered. Even threw in a loaf of rye. 🤤
Seeing @Aaron Webstey walking around in shorts and a red plaid shirt in -6 Celsius was all the thanks I needed.
@Martin Jenne turned around, glanced at me, and deftly turned a "WHOA" into a "whoaaahey, Nuts!". Almost as impressive as you peeling your jacket to reveal a triroost plaid button up. You guys made my day.
That sandwich looks amazing!!! If I play long enough, I'm hoping for a visit from Martin. I won't eat till then.