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Rooster Endurance 22/23

Aaron WebsteyAaron Webstey Administrator, Rooster Endurance Member, Rooster Endurance Officers


just kidding :) I've had a few people ask about getting more Rooster gear, and I can think of a few items I might want. At this point, I don't think we need applications or team fees - if you're here, you're a Rooster. And I personally am not interested in a bunch of cheap trinkets/swag, I just want people to be able to get what they want.

Is anyone else interested in some team gear? I would be interested in a decent running hat, some water bottles, and a decent quality t-shirt - not shitty straight up cotton, but something like the old TRS Racing ones that were super soft and fit nicely. I could probably be talked into some other stuff too ☺️

Let me know if you're interested, and what you might want! Also any ideas for brands and/or sources. My current idea is to ask John Flores from iAthlete to see what he can do, but I'm open to ideas!



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