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But the snow can fuck right off.
This must've been in Hazzard County. They love going through the window there.
"The man, a Central Saanich farmer, had bought the used Zamboni for $300, said Central Saanich Sgt. Paul Brailey. He usually keeps it on his farm. “He saw the snow hadn't been cleared there and he was trying to clear the snow," Brailey said.
Unfortunately, the Zamboni cleared the top layer of snow but flattened the bottom layer, which, if the temperatures dip low enough, could turn into, well, an ice rink.
Public works was called to clear the snow he left behind, using the proper snow clearing equipment. Brailey said the man was escorted back to his property on the Zamboni."
Stop milking it.
Fattest BQ on record--- *allegedly
2016 (and last) Rev3 Cedar Point champ- don't google the time though
My friend texts me Saturday morning. His parent wake up at their beach house, go downstairs to find someone had broken into the house while they slept, drank a bunch of vodka, vomited everywhere then took off their clothes and left them in a pile in the kitchen and split.
Thank you
Master of the Absurd - King of all Polls
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