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Wahoo KICKR Desk - Alternatives?

RashRash Member
Ray's new review of the Wahoo KICKR desk has me thinking about my new pain cave (coming sometime finally in early 2016). Right now I have a crap computer stand for holding my laptop/water bottles, phone, etc. While the KICKR looks nice and solves some of the problems I find with my current set up, I think there is still room for improvement and likely a much cheaper way to DIY the solution. Anyone have a cool DIY set up they are working with? I assume all the Canadians on here have perfected the winter pain cave so would love to see your set ups and hacks for the common problems with pretending to ride a bike in your basement.


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    It's not as pretty as the Wahoo desk and won't match exactly but it's a quarter of the price

    Fattest BQ on record--- *allegedly
    2016 (and last) Rev3 Cedar Point champ- don't google the time though
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    lakercrlakercr Member
    edited December 2015
    Right now I'm just using an ironing board; the fucking thing may as well get used for something.

    I'm taking a bit of time off over the holidays and planning to make something a little nicer. Thinking either PVC pipe (the white plumbing stuff) or I'll weld something up out of steel. Hit Youtube and search "PVC stand" for inspiration.


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    simonsen77simonsen77 Member, Rooster Endurance Member
    An old projector mounted overhead, a cheap projector screen found on craigslist, and a folding music stand for the phone/keyboard/tablet.
    First #BAAW Badge Recipient
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    @lakercr Are you mirroring to your TV using WIFI or are there cables somewhere I am not seeing?
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    Mirroring the Mac using Apple TV. Dead simple, and Ray just did a good overview of this (and other) options for wireless.

    I also have a PC in my office with a dedicated Cat5 inside the wall to within a few feet of my trainer. There's a Cat5>USB dongle on the end for my Ant stick, and an HDMI from PC>receiver so that I can mirror anything from the Windows computer to the big screen. The wireless mouse & keyboard have enough range that I can sit in front of the screen and use it as my monitor.
    RashAaron Websteydhrdanimal

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    I use one of these for my laptop: Quik Lok Laptop Holder

    And one of these for my mobile device: BESTEK cell phone holder
    Adam WRashlakercrRobert Rankin
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    @simonsen77 Kudos' for being able to ride that incline! I guess I understand what people mean when they say they feel like climbing the walls when forced to the trainer for the winter.
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    dhr said:

    I use one of these for my laptop: Quik Lok Laptop Holder

    And one of these for my mobile device: BESTEK cell phone holder

    @dhr any chance you can post the dimensions for the tray the laptop sits on? That sucker looks like it would work well for me.

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    @lakercr The tray's inner dimensions are about 15.25" wide X 12.25" tall.

    I bought both pieces after seeing this guy's ridiculous setup:
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    lakercrlakercr Member
    edited December 2015
    Jesus, it would take him longer to boot everything up than to do the workout.

    Thanks, he's got some nice gear in that room.

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    idking90idking90 Member, Pro Triathlete
    Maybe I'm a Luddite, but all I have is a portable Bluetooth speaker and I spend the entire workout staring at my Garmin. I put that, my phone, and a third bottle on a kitchen stool next to me. I would be afraid of sweating all over anything expensive like that desk setup
    M_WareDHansenTriGranpa Chook
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    @dhr I randomly came across that same site the other day when looking for work area set ups. His home bike repair shop is also over the top awesome.
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    KHilgendorfKHilgendorf Member, Rooster Endurance Member, POTM
    I have a cycling computer controlling my trainer based off whatever workout I loaded in for that day. Don't give a shit what I'm staring at/listening to. My setup looks like a bike. On a trainer. with a wire going from the trainer to a wall outlet.
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    Aaron WebsteyAaron Webstey Administrator, Rooster Endurance Member, Rooster Endurance Officers
    @KHilgendorf I don't even have the wire to the outlet. #oldschool
    idking90Granpa Chook
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    KHilgendorfKHilgendorf Member, Rooster Endurance Member, POTM
    edited December 2015
    @Aaron Webstey I think you mean #poor

    Or maybe #1.4CAD:USD We beat you in hockey, our dollar is crushing yours. I'm pretty sure in the next 3 months, after our housewives beat yours in the curling world championships (that's a thing, right?) we'll welcome y'all with open arms as the 51st-62nd states.
    simonsen77Aaron WebsteyDHansenTri
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    Aaron WebsteyAaron Webstey Administrator, Rooster Endurance Member, Rooster Endurance Officers
    @KHilgendorf myself and @James Lange are the only ones even trying up here any more.
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    CapenCapen Member
    edited December 2015
    I picked up this cheap storage bin (to hold towels, epo, sour patch kids, etc) at Walmart and put a small piece of wood on top. It works great for me and easy to move around on wheels.

    Toughman Aqua Bike Champion of the World
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    forgot to attach...IMG_1458
    Aaron WebsteyRash

    Toughman Aqua Bike Champion of the World
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    Canadian Tire sells an adjustable work table that is nice. Fit very nicely right in front of the Aero bars. Min height is 34 inches, so measure you aerobar height first. It retails for $80, but watch the flyer and it will go on sale for $50. I used to use a flimsy music stand but this bad boy is rock solid and has a 200 lb capacity. Also has a lip around the perimeter and 3 separate compartments to organize those remotes.

    Aaron Webstey
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    Here a photo of it in actionimage

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
    Aaron WebsteyRashlakercr
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    DHansenTriDHansenTri Member
    edited January 2016
    It appears @Capen and @Andrew Miller have replicas of their bikes in the background. Why buy 1 when you can buy 2???

    Living life in pursuit of triathlon greatness and not pissing off my wife. Also trying to understand Dark Mark and why he's left New York yet again, but this time for Oklahoma. At least it's not Florida.

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    It appears @Capen and @Andrew Miller have replicas of their bikes in the background. Why buy 1 when you can buy 2???

    In the event I have a mechanical on the trainer, this allows me to switch machines and reduce downtime if I am going after a segment on Watopia. #StravaIntervention. Actually, it is my wife's ride.

    Toughman Aqua Bike Champion of the World
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    Andrew MillerAndrew Miller Member
    edited January 2016
    Capen said:

    It appears @Capen and @Andrew Miller have replicas of their bikes in the background. Why buy 1 when you can buy 2???

    In the event I have a mechanical on the trainer, this allows me to switch machines and reduce downtime if I am going after a segment on Watopia. #StravaIntervention. Actually, it is my wife's ride.
    My wife's ride as well.

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    All of these are nice and pretty. Do you guys actually ride the bike or just spend time setting up the room as cushy as possible?
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    @Granpa Chook - think you are lost - that comment belongs over at the twitch where everyone only listens to the sound of their own suffering while training.
    EvanAaron Webstey
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    idking90idking90 Member, Pro Triathlete
    @Rash no that's where people will spend 1/2 the GDP of a small country on outfitting their "pain cave" then ask for advice on the best "bang for the buck" upgrade they can make.
    Granpa ChookRashCapenEvan

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