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Wahoo KICKR Desk - Alternatives?
Ray's new review of the Wahoo KICKR desk has me thinking about my new pain cave (coming sometime finally in early 2016). Right now I have a crap computer stand for holding my laptop/water bottles, phone, etc. While the KICKR looks nice and solves some of the problems I find with my current set up, I think there is still room for improvement and likely a much cheaper way to DIY the solution. Anyone have a cool DIY set up they are working with? I assume all the Canadians on here have perfected the winter pain cave so would love to see your set ups and hacks for the common problems with pretending to ride a bike in your basement.
It's not as pretty as the Wahoo desk and won't match exactly but it's a quarter of the price
Fattest BQ on record--- *allegedly
2016 (and last) Rev3 Cedar Point champ- don't google the time though
I'm taking a bit of time off over the holidays and planning to make something a little nicer. Thinking either PVC pipe (the white plumbing stuff) or I'll weld something up out of steel. Hit Youtube and search "PVC stand" for inspiration.
I also have a PC in my office with a dedicated Cat5 inside the wall to within a few feet of my trainer. There's a Cat5>USB dongle on the end for my Ant stick, and an HDMI from PC>receiver so that I can mirror anything from the Windows computer to the big screen. The wireless mouse & keyboard have enough range that I can sit in front of the screen and use it as my monitor.
And one of these for my mobile device: BESTEK cell phone holder
I bought both pieces after seeing this guy's ridiculous setup:
Thanks, he's got some nice gear in that room.
Or maybe #1.4CAD:USD We beat you in hockey, our dollar is crushing yours. I'm pretty sure in the next 3 months, after our housewives beat yours in the curling world championships (that's a thing, right?) we'll welcome y'all with open arms as the 51st-62nd states.
Toughman Aqua Bike Champion of the World
Toughman Aqua Bike Champion of the World
Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Living life in pursuit of triathlon greatness and not pissing off my wife. Also trying to understand Dark Mark and why he's left New York yet again, but this time for Oklahoma. At least it's not Florida.
Toughman Aqua Bike Champion of the World